@@ -1,107 +1,113 @@
- <div class="app-container Profile-container">
- <el-tabs tab-position="left" style="height:100%" v-model="activeTab" class="profile-tabs"
- v-loading="userLoading">
- <el-tab-pane label="个人资料" name="user">
- <UserInfo ref="user" :user='user' v-if="visible.user" @updateInfo="getInfo" />
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="租户信息" name="tenantInfo" v-if="isTenant">
- <TenantInfo ref="tenantInfo" v-if="visible.tenantInfo" :tenantData="tenantData" />
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="修改密码" name="password">
- <Password ref="password" v-if="visible.password" />
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane disabled name="line"></el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="我的组织" name="organize">
- <div class="JNPF-common-title mb-10 ">
- <h2 class="bold">我的组织
- <el-tooltip content="用户可以自行切换组织信息,我的组织默认只能进行单选" placement="right">
- <a class="tooltip-question el-icon-question"></a>
- </el-tooltip>
- </h2>
- </div>
- <div class="organize-list">
- <el-row :gutter="80" v-if="organizeList.length">
- <el-col :span="12" class="organize-item" v-for="(item,i) in organizeList" :key="i">
- <div class="organize-item-main" :class="{active:activeOrganize===item.id}"
- @click="changeMajor(item.id,'Organize')">
- <i class="icon-ym icon-ym-organization"></i>
- <p class="organize-name">{{item.fullName}}</p>
- <p class="btn">默认</p>
- <div class="icon-checked">
- <i class="el-icon-check"></i>
+ <div class="app-container Profile-container">
+ <el-tabs tab-position="left" style="height:100%" v-model="activeTab" class="profile-tabs"
+ v-loading="userLoading">
+ <el-tab-pane label="个人资料" name="user">
+ <UserInfo ref="user" :user='user' v-if="visible.user" @updateInfo="getInfo" />
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="租户信息" name="tenantInfo" v-if="isTenant">
+ <TenantInfo ref="tenantInfo" v-if="visible.tenantInfo" :tenantData="tenantData" />
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="修改密码" name="password">
+ <Password ref="password" v-if="visible.password" />
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane disabled name="line"></el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="我的组织" name="organize">
+ <div class="JNPF-common-title mb-10 ">
+ <h2 class="bold">我的组织
+ <el-tooltip content="用户可以自行切换组织信息,我的组织默认只能进行单选" placement="right">
+ <a class="tooltip-question el-icon-question"></a>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ </h2>
- </div>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <el-empty description="暂无数据" :image-size="120" v-else></el-empty>
- </div>
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="我的岗位" name="position">
- <div class="JNPF-common-title mb-10">
- <h2 class="bold">我的岗位
- <el-tooltip content="用户可以自行切换我的组织内的岗位信息,我的岗位默认只能进行单选" placement="right">
- <a class="el-icon-question tooltip-question"></a>
- </el-tooltip>
- </h2>
- </div>
- <div class="organize-list">
- <el-row :gutter="80" v-if="positionList.length">
- <el-col :span="12" class="organize-item" v-for="(item,i) in positionList" :key="i">
- <div class="organize-item-main" :class="{active:activePosition===item.id}"
- @click="changeMajor(item.id,'Position')">
- <i class="icon-ym icon-ym-wf-outgoingApply"></i>
- <p class="organize-name">{{item.fullName}}</p>
- <p class="btn">主岗</p>
- <div class="icon-checked">
- <i class="el-icon-check"></i>
+ <div class="organize-list">
+ <el-row :gutter="80" v-if="organizeList.length">
+ <el-col :span="12" class="organize-item" v-for="(item,i) in organizeList"
+ :key="i">
+ <div class="organize-item-main"
+ :class="{active:activeOrganize===item.id}"
+ @click="changeMajor(item.id,'Organize')">
+ <i class="icon-ym icon-ym-organization"></i>
+ <p class="organize-name">{{item.fullName}}</p>
+ <p class="btn">默认</p>
+ <div class="icon-checked">
+ <i class="el-icon-check"></i>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-empty description="暂无数据" :image-size="120" v-else></el-empty>
- </div>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <el-empty description="暂无数据" :image-size="120" v-else></el-empty>
- </div>
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="我的下属" name="subordinate">
- <div class="JNPF-common-title mb-10">
- <h2 class="bold">我的下属</h2>
- </div>
- <div class="subordinate-list">
- <el-tree :data="treeData" :props="props" check-on-click-node node-key="id" lazy
- v-loading="loading" :load="loadNode" class="JNPF-common-el-tree subordinate-tree">
- <el-card class="subordinate-tree-node" shadow="never" slot-scope="{ data }">
- <el-avatar :size="50" :src="define.comUrl+ data.avatar"></el-avatar>
- <div class="text">
- <p>{{data.userName}}</p>
- <p class="user-text">{{data.department}}{{data.position?'/'+data.position:''}}</p>
- </div>
- </el-card>
- </el-tree>
- </div>
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="绑定设置" name="justAuth" v-if="useSocials">
- <JustAuth ref="justAuth" v-if="visible.justAuth" />
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="系统权限" name="authorize" class="el-tab-pane-authorize">
- <Authorize ref="authorize" v-if="visible.authorize" />
- </el-tab-pane>
- <el-tab-pane label="登录日志" name="sysLog">
- <SysLog ref="sysLog" v-if="visible.sysLog" />
- </el-tab-pane>
- </el-tabs>
- <div class="head">
- <el-upload class="avatar-uploader" :action="define.comUploadUrl+'/userAvatar'"
- :headers="uploadHeaders" :on-success="handleSuccess" :show-file-list="false"
- accept="image/*" :before-upload="beforeUpload">
- <div class="avatar-box">
- <el-avatar :size="50" :src="define.comUrl + user.avatar" class="avatar"
- v-if="user.avatar" />
- <div class="avatar-hover">更换头像</div>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="我的岗位" name="position">
+ <div class="JNPF-common-title mb-10">
+ <h2 class="bold">我的岗位
+ <el-tooltip content="用户可以自行切换我的组织内的岗位信息,我的岗位默认只能进行单选" placement="right">
+ <a class="el-icon-question tooltip-question"></a>
+ </el-tooltip>
+ </h2>
+ </div>
+ <div class="organize-list">
+ <el-row :gutter="80" v-if="positionList.length">
+ <el-col :span="12" class="organize-item" v-for="(item,i) in positionList"
+ :key="i">
+ <div class="organize-item-main"
+ :class="{active:activePosition===item.id}"
+ @click="changeMajor(item.id,'Position')">
+ <i class="icon-ym icon-ym-wf-outgoingApply"></i>
+ <p class="organize-name">{{item.fullName}}</p>
+ <p class="btn">主岗</p>
+ <div class="icon-checked">
+ <i class="el-icon-check"></i>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-empty description="暂无数据" :image-size="120" v-else></el-empty>
+ </div>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="我的下属" name="subordinate">
+ <div class="JNPF-common-title mb-10">
+ <h2 class="bold">我的下属</h2>
+ </div>
+ <div class="subordinate-list">
+ <el-tree :data="treeData" :props="props" check-on-click-node node-key="id" lazy
+ v-loading="loading" :load="loadNode"
+ class="JNPF-common-el-tree subordinate-tree">
+ <el-card class="subordinate-tree-node" shadow="never" slot-scope="{ data }">
+ <el-avatar :size="50" :src="define.comUrl+ data.avatar"></el-avatar>
+ <div class="text">
+ <p>{{data.userName}}</p>
+ <p class="user-text">
+ {{data.department}}{{data.position?'/'+data.position:''}}</p>
+ </div>
+ </el-card>
+ </el-tree>
+ </div>
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="绑定设置" name="justAuth" v-if="useSocials">
+ <JustAuth ref="justAuth" v-if="visible.justAuth" />
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="系统权限" name="authorize" class="el-tab-pane-authorize">
+ <Authorize ref="authorize" v-if="visible.authorize" />
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ <el-tab-pane label="登录日志" name="sysLog">
+ <SysLog ref="sysLog" v-if="visible.sysLog" />
+ </el-tab-pane>
+ </el-tabs>
+ <div class="head">
+ <el-upload class="avatar-uploader" :action="define.comUploadUrl+'/userAvatar'"
+ :headers="uploadHeaders" :on-success="handleSuccess" :show-file-list="false"
+ accept="image/*" :before-upload="beforeUpload">
+ <div class="avatar-box">
+ <el-avatar :size="50" :src="define.comUrl + user.avatar" class="avatar"
+ v-if="user.avatar" />
+ <div class="avatar-hover">更换头像</div>
+ </div>
+ </el-upload>
+ <span class="username">{{user.realName}}</span>
- </el-upload>
- <span class="username">{{user.realName}}</span>
- </div>
import { UserSettingInfo, getSubordinate, UpdateAvatar, UpdateLanguage, getUserOrganizes, getUserPositions, setMajor } from '@/api/permission/userSetting'
@@ -112,377 +118,377 @@ import SysLog from './components/SysLog'
import JustAuth from './components/JustAuth'
import TenantInfo from './components/TenantInfo'
export default {
- name: 'profile',
- components: { UserInfo, Password, Authorize, SysLog, JustAuth, TenantInfo },
- data() {
- return {
- user: {},
- treeData: [],
- activeTab: '',
- organizeList: [],
- positionList: [],
- activeOrganize: '',
- activePosition: '',
- visible: {
- tenantInfo: false,
- user: true,
- password: false,
- theme: false,
- authorize: false,
- sysLog: false,
- justAuth: false,
- },
- props: {
- children: 'children',
- label: 'userName',
- isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
- },
- loading: false,
- userLoading: false,
- nodeId: '0',
- uploadHeaders: { Authorization: this.$store.getters.token },
- tenantData: {},
- isTenant: false
- }
- },
- watch: {
- '$route': 'getInfo',
- activeTab(val) {
- for (let key of Object.keys(this.visible)) {
- this.visible[key] = false
- }
- this.visible[val] = true
- if (val === 'subordinate') {
- this.nodeId = '0'
- this.getSubordinate()
- return
- }
- if (val === 'organize') {
- this.getUserOrganizes()
- return
- }
- if (val === 'position') {
- this.getUserPositions()
- return
- }
- }
- },
- created() {
- this.getInfo()
- },
- computed: {
- useSocials() {
- return localStorage.getItem('useSocials') && localStorage.getItem('useSocials') != '0'
- }
- },
- methods: {
- beforeUpload(file) {
- let isAccept = new RegExp('image/*').test(file.type)
- if (!isAccept) {
- this.$message.error(`请上传图片`)
- }
- return isAccept;
- },
- getInfo() {
- this.userLoading = true
- UserSettingInfo().then(res => {
- this.user = res.data
- this.activeTab = 'user'
- this.userLoading = false
- this.tenantData = this.user.currentTenantInfo
- this.isTenant = this.user.isTenant
- let flag = this.$router.history.current.query.flag
- if (flag == "1") {
- this.activeTab = "justAuth"
+ name: 'profile',
+ components: { UserInfo, Password, Authorize, SysLog, JustAuth, TenantInfo },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ user: {},
+ treeData: [],
+ activeTab: '',
+ organizeList: [],
+ positionList: [],
+ activeOrganize: '',
+ activePosition: '',
+ visible: {
+ tenantInfo: false,
+ user: true,
+ password: false,
+ theme: false,
+ authorize: false,
+ sysLog: false,
+ justAuth: false,
+ },
+ props: {
+ children: 'children',
+ label: 'userName',
+ isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
+ },
+ loading: false,
+ userLoading: false,
+ nodeId: '0',
+ uploadHeaders: { Authorization: this.$store.getters.token },
+ tenantData: {},
+ isTenant: false
- })
- getSubordinate() {
- this.loading = true
- getSubordinate(this.nodeId).then(res => {
- this.treeData = res.data
- this.loading = false
- })
- },
- loadNode(node, resolve) {
- if (node.level === 0) {
- this.nodeId = '0'
- return resolve(this.treeData)
- }
- this.nodeId = node.data.id
- getSubordinate(this.nodeId).then(res => {
- resolve(res.data)
- })
- },
- handleSuccess(res, file) {
- if (res.code == 200) {
- this.updateAvatar(res.data)
- } else {
- this.$message({
- message: '上传失败',
- type: 'error',
- duration: 1000,
- })
- }
- },
- updateAvatar(data) {
- UpdateAvatar(data.name).then(res => {
- this.user.avatar = data.url
- this.$store.commit('user/SET_USERINFO_HEADICON', data.url)
- this.$message({
- message: res.msg,
- type: 'success',
- duration: 1000,
- })
- })
+ watch: {
+ '$route': 'getInfo',
+ activeTab(val) {
+ for (let key of Object.keys(this.visible)) {
+ this.visible[key] = false
+ }
+ this.visible[val] = true
+ if (val === 'subordinate') {
+ this.nodeId = '0'
+ this.getSubordinate()
+ return
+ }
+ if (val === 'organize') {
+ this.getUserOrganizes()
+ return
+ }
+ if (val === 'position') {
+ this.getUserPositions()
+ return
+ }
+ }
- getUserOrganizes() {
- getUserOrganizes().then(res => {
- this.organizeList = res.data || []
- const list = this.organizeList.filter(o => o.isDefault)
- if (!list.length) return this.activeOrganize = ''
- const activeItem = list[0]
- this.activeOrganize = activeItem.id
- })
+ created() {
+ this.getInfo()
- getUserPositions() {
- getUserPositions().then(res => {
- this.positionList = res.data || []
- const list = this.positionList.filter(o => o.isDefault)
- if (!list.length) return this.activePosition = ''
- const activeItem = list[0]
- this.activePosition = activeItem.id
- })
+ computed: {
+ useSocials() {
+ return localStorage.getItem('useSocials') && localStorage.getItem('useSocials') != '0'
+ }
- changeMajor(majorId, majorType) {
- if (this['active' + majorType] === majorId) return
- let query = {
- majorId,
- majorType
- }
- setMajor(query).then(res => {
- this['active' + majorType] = majorId
- this.$message({
- message: res.msg,
- type: 'success',
- duration: 1500,
- onClose() {
- location.reload()
- }
- })
- })
+ methods: {
+ beforeUpload(file) {
+ let isAccept = new RegExp('image/*').test(file.type)
+ if (!isAccept) {
+ this.$message.error(`请上传图片`)
+ }
+ return isAccept;
+ },
+ getInfo() {
+ this.userLoading = true
+ UserSettingInfo().then(res => {
+ this.user = res.data
+ this.activeTab = 'user'
+ this.userLoading = false
+ this.tenantData = this.user.currentTenantInfo
+ this.isTenant = this.user.isTenant
+ let flag = this.$router.history.current.query.flag
+ if (flag == "1") {
+ this.activeTab = "justAuth"
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ getSubordinate() {
+ this.loading = true
+ getSubordinate(this.nodeId).then(res => {
+ this.treeData = res.data
+ this.loading = false
+ })
+ },
+ loadNode(node, resolve) {
+ if (node.level === 0) {
+ this.nodeId = '0'
+ return resolve(this.treeData)
+ }
+ this.nodeId = node.data.id
+ getSubordinate(this.nodeId).then(res => {
+ resolve(res.data)
+ })
+ },
+ handleSuccess(res, file) {
+ if (res.code == 200) {
+ this.updateAvatar(res.data)
+ } else {
+ this.$message({
+ message: '上传失败',
+ type: 'error',
+ duration: 1000,
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ updateAvatar(data) {
+ UpdateAvatar(data.name).then(res => {
+ this.user.avatar = data.url
+ this.$store.commit('user/SET_USERINFO_HEADICON', data.url)
+ this.$message({
+ message: res.msg,
+ type: 'success',
+ duration: 1000,
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ getUserOrganizes() {
+ getUserOrganizes().then(res => {
+ this.organizeList = res.data || []
+ const list = this.organizeList.filter(o => o.isDefault)
+ if (!list.length) return this.activeOrganize = ''
+ const activeItem = list[0]
+ this.activeOrganize = activeItem.id
+ })
+ },
+ getUserPositions() {
+ getUserPositions().then(res => {
+ this.positionList = res.data || []
+ const list = this.positionList.filter(o => o.isDefault)
+ if (!list.length) return this.activePosition = ''
+ const activeItem = list[0]
+ this.activePosition = activeItem.id
+ })
+ },
+ changeMajor(majorId, majorType) {
+ if (this['active' + majorType] === majorId) return
+ let query = {
+ majorId,
+ majorType
+ }
+ setMajor(query).then(res => {
+ this['active' + majorType] = majorId
+ this.$message({
+ message: res.msg,
+ type: 'success',
+ duration: 1500,
+ onClose() {
+ location.reload()
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
- }
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.Profile-container {
- position: relative;
- padding-top: 10px;
- .profile-tabs {
- >>> .el-tabs__nav-scroll {
- padding-top: 70px;
- }
- >>> .el-tabs__item {
- text-align: left !important;
- }
- >>> .el-tabs__content {
- height: 100%;
- .el-tab-pane {
- height: 100%;
- overflow: auto;
- overflow-x: hidden;
+ position: relative;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ .profile-tabs {
+ >>> .el-tabs__nav-scroll {
+ padding-top: 70px;
+ }
+ >>> .el-tabs__item {
+ text-align: left !important;
+ }
+ >>> .el-tabs__content {
+ height: 100%;
+ .el-tab-pane {
+ height: 100%;
+ overflow: auto;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
- &.el-tab-pane-authorize {
- overflow: hidden;
+ &.el-tab-pane-authorize {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ >>> #tab-line {
+ height: 20px;
+ width: 160px;
+ &::after {
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 1px;
+ background: #ddd;
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ top: 10px;
+ left: 0;
+ }
- }
- >>> #tab-line {
- height: 20px;
- width: 160px;
- &::after {
+ .head {
position: absolute;
- width: 100%;
- height: 1px;
- background: #ddd;
- content: '';
- display: block;
- overflow: hidden;
+ left: 10px;
top: 10px;
- left: 0;
- }
- }
- }
- .head {
- position: absolute;
- left: 10px;
- top: 10px;
- height: 70px;
- width: 160px;
- padding-top: 10px;
- >>> .avatar-uploader {
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: top;
- .avatar-hover {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- font-size: 12px;
- display: none;
- overflow: hidden;
- width: 50px;
- height: 50px;
- text-align: center;
- border-radius: 50%;
- line-height: 50px;
- color: #fff;
- cursor: pointer;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- }
- &:hover {
- & .avatar-hover {
- display: block;
+ height: 70px;
+ width: 160px;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ >>> .avatar-uploader {
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ .avatar-hover {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ display: none;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 50px;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ line-height: 50px;
+ color: #fff;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ & .avatar-hover {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .avatar-box {
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ .avatar {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 50px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ }
+ .username {
+ line-height: 50px;
+ font-size: 14px;
- }
- }
- .avatar-box {
- position: relative;
- }
- .avatar {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 50px;
- height: 50px;
- overflow: hidden;
- border-radius: 50%;
- vertical-align: top;
- margin-right: 10px;
- }
- .username {
- line-height: 50px;
- font-size: 14px;
- }
- >>> .el-select,
- >>> .el-date-editor {
- width: 100%;
- }
- .subordinate-tree {
- height: 100%;
- margin: 0;
- .subordinate-tree-node {
- width: 300px;
- }
- >>> .el-tree-node:focus > .el-tree-node__content {
- background-color: #fff;
- }
- >>> .el-tree-node__expand-icon.el-icon-caret-right {
- font-size: 20px;
- }
- >>> .el-tree-node__content {
- height: 80px;
- &:hover {
- background: #fff;
- }
+ >>> .el-select,
+ >>> .el-date-editor {
+ width: 100%;
- >>> .el-card__body {
- display: flex;
- padding: 10px 10px;
- align-items: center;
- .el-avatar {
- margin-right: 10px;
- flex-shrink: 0;
- }
- .text {
- font-size: 14px;
- width: calc(100% - 60px);
- p {
- line-height: 25px;
- white-space: nowrap;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- overflow: hidden;
- word-break: break-all;
+ .subordinate-tree {
+ height: 100%;
+ margin: 0;
+ .subordinate-tree-node {
+ width: 300px;
- }
- .user-text {
- color: #999;
- font-size: 12px;
- }
- }
- }
- #pane-subordinate {
- overflow: hidden;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- .subordinate-list {
- flex: 1;
- overflow: auto;
- }
- }
- .organize-list {
- width: 100%;
- padding: 50px;
- .organize-item {
- margin-bottom: 30px;
- .organize-item-main {
- height: 70px;
- position: relative;
- border-radius: 4px;
- border: 1px solid #dcdfe6;
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- padding: 0 20px;
- cursor: pointer;
- box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);
- color: #606266;
- &.active {
- border: 1px solid #1890ff;
- box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(6, 58, 108, 0.26);
- color: #1890ff;
- .btn,
- .icon-checked {
- display: block;
- }
+ >>> .el-tree-node:focus > .el-tree-node__content {
+ background-color: #fff;
- .icon-ym {
- font-size: 24px;
- margin-right: 10px;
+ >>> .el-tree-node__expand-icon.el-icon-caret-right {
+ font-size: 20px;
- .organize-name {
- line-height: 24px;
- font-size: 14px;
+ >>> .el-tree-node__content {
+ height: 80px;
+ &:hover {
+ background: #fff;
+ }
- .btn {
- display: none;
- position: absolute;
- right: 45px;
- bottom: 7px;
- font-size: 12px;
+ >>> .el-card__body {
+ display: flex;
+ padding: 10px 10px;
+ align-items: center;
+ .el-avatar {
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ }
+ .text {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ width: calc(100% - 60px);
+ p {
+ line-height: 25px;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ word-break: break-all;
+ }
+ }
+ .user-text {
+ color: #999;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ }
- .icon-checked {
- display: none;
- width: 20px;
- height: 20px;
- border: 20px solid #1890ff;
- border-left: 20px solid transparent;
- border-top: 20px solid transparent;
- border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
- position: absolute;
- transform: scale(0.9);
- right: -2px;
- bottom: -2px;
- i {
- position: absolute;
- top: -2px;
- left: -3px;
- font-size: 20px;
- color: #fff;
- }
+ }
+ #pane-subordinate {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ .subordinate-list {
+ flex: 1;
+ overflow: auto;
+ }
+ }
+ .organize-list {
+ width: 100%;
+ padding: 50px;
+ .organize-item {
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+ .organize-item-main {
+ height: 70px;
+ position: relative;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdfe6;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 0 20px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);
+ color: #606266;
+ &.active {
+ border: 1px solid #1890ff;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(6, 58, 108, 0.26);
+ color: #1890ff;
+ .btn,
+ .icon-checked {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ }
+ .icon-ym {
+ font-size: 24px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ }
+ .organize-name {
+ line-height: 24px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ .btn {
+ display: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 45px;
+ bottom: 7px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ }
+ .icon-checked {
+ display: none;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ border: 20px solid #1890ff;
+ border-left: 20px solid transparent;
+ border-top: 20px solid transparent;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
+ position: absolute;
+ transform: scale(0.9);
+ right: -2px;
+ bottom: -2px;
+ i {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -2px;
+ left: -3px;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ color: #fff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- }
- }