let app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data () {
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      app_token: '',

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        header: ["项目名称", "所属组织", '实施主体', '建设性质(新建/续建)', '产业类别', '建设地点', '2022年投资完成额(万元)'],
        data: [
          ["青银二广高速公路太原联络线建设PPP项目", "交控集团", "山西路桥建设集团有限公司", "新建", "交通运输业", "山西省太原市、晋中市", "148,086.00"],
          ["国道241、省道岚马线汾河水库段改线工程", "交控集团", "太原国省道汾河水库段建设管理有限公司", "续建", "交通运输业", "山西省 太原市、吕梁市", "165,314.33"],
          ["路桥科技中心", "交控集团", "山西路桥集团多经营有限公司", "续建", "建筑房地产", "山西省太原市", "8,098.26"],
          ["路桥科研基地", "交控集团", "山西路桥集团多经有限公司", "续建", "建筑房地产", "山西省太原市", "6,596.56"],
          ["武宿高速充电站建设", "交控集团", "山西交通运输投融资集团有限责任公司", "新建", "新能源", "山西省太原市", "100.00"],
          ["山西交通研创商务基地项目", "交控集团", "山西交通物流集团有限公司", "续建", "建筑房地产", "山西省太原市", "4,097.00"],
          ["山西省交通科学研究院产业化基地", "交控集团", "山西省交通科技研发有限公司", "续建", "建筑房地产", "山西省太原市武洛街27号", "3,242.00"],
          ["太长高速公路太原南收费站(二期工程暨龙城服务区)项目", "交控集团", "山西省交通开发投资集团有限公司龙城服务区发展分公司", "续建", "建筑房地产", "山西省太原市", "3,580.00"],
          ["山西转型综改示范区中小企业产业园项目", "交控集团", "山西交投综改园区开发有限公司", "续建", "建筑房地产", "山西省太原市", "14,432.00"]
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      config6: {
        rowNum: 15,
        waitTime: 1000,
        headerHeight: '100',
        header: ["项目名称", "所属组织", '实施主体', '产业类别I级', '产业类别II级', '2022年投资完成额(万元)'],
        data: [
          ["6万吨/年PBAT项目", "华阳新材", "华阳生物降解公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料", "20,340.00"],
          ["2万吨/年生物降解改性材料及塑料制品项目", "华阳新材", "华阳生物降解公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料", "5,270.00"],
          ["2万吨/年全系列生物降解新材料项目", "华阳新材", "华阳新材", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料", "5,560.00"],
          ["开元煤层气发电项目", "华阳新材", "阳煤扬德公司", "战略性新兴产业", "煤层气", "880.00"],
          ["平舒翟下庄煤层气发电项目", "华阳新材", "阳煤扬德公司", "战略性新兴产业", "煤层气", "570.00"],
          ["5GW高效光伏组件制造项目一期2GW", "华阳新材", "华储光电公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源", "10,000.00"],
          ["钠离子电池正极材料千吨级生产项目", "华阳新材", "华钠铜能公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源", "6,060.00"],
          ["钠离子电池负极材料千吨级生产项目", "华阳新材", "华钠碳能公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源", "4,080.00"],
          ["1GWh钠离子Pack电池生产线建设项目", "华阳新材", "华钠芯能公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源", "2790.00"],
          ["天成光储网充项目", "华阳新材", "新阳公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源", "1680.00"],
          ["宏厦三建绿色建材工业园区项目", "华阳新材", "宏厦三建", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料", "2,550.00"],
          ["亚美公司超低排放改造及节能技改项目", "华阳新材", "亚美公司", "战略性新兴产业", "其他", "20,101.00"],
          ["超净滤材项目", "华阳新材", "华阳科创城", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料", "5,510.00"],
          ["华阳集团网络安全工作顶层设计及整体整改项目", "华阳新材", "华阳集团", "战略性新兴产业", "新一代信息技术", "814.00"],
          ["山西科技创新城阳煤设计研发中心项目", "华阳新材", "碳基合成新材料公司", "战略性新兴产业", "其他", "12,930.00"],
          ["阳煤西110kv变电站及线路建设工程", "华阳新材", "华阳股份", "战略性新兴产业", "其他", "7,060.00"],
          ["郊区35kV输变电工程", "华阳新材", "华储光电公司", "战略性新兴产业", "其他", "1,250.00"],
          ["环境保护及治理", "华阳新材", "华阳股份", "战略性新兴产业", "节能环保", "5,890.00"],
          ["增资山西新阳清洁能源有限公司", "华阳新材", "华阳股份", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源产业", "101,700.00"],
          ["增资阳煤集团纳谷(山西)气凝胶科创城管理有限责任公司", "华阳新材", "华阳集团", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "34,582.00"],
          ["太化集团普田农业有限公司股权收购及增资", "华阳新材", "华阳新材", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "7,400.00"],
          ["山西阳煤道得新材股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙)", "华阳新材", "华阳资本", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "5,000.00"],
          ["阳泉市梧桐树嘉裕阳煤智能制造股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙)", "华阳新材", "华阳资本华阳股份", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "6,576.29"],
          ["阳煤纳谷(山西)气凝胶经销有限责任公司", "华阳新材", "气凝胶科创城", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "4,335.00"],
          ["阳煤纳谷(山西)节能服务有限责任公司", "华阳新材", "气凝胶科创城", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "3,674.00"],
          ["华阳诺爱特(山西)新材料科技有限公司", "华阳新材", "气凝胶科创城", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "500.00"],
          ["华阳纳谷(北京)新材料科技有限公司", "华阳新材", "气凝胶科创城", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "250.00"],
          ["山西华储光电有限责任公司", "华阳新材", "山西新阳清洁能源有限公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新材料产业", "45,000.00"],
          ["山西华钠铜能科技有限责任公司", "华阳新材", "山西新阳清洁能源有限公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源产业", "900.00"],
          ["山西华钠碳能科技有限责任公司", "华阳新材", "山西新阳清洁能源有限公司", "战略性新兴产业", "新能源产业", "450.00"]

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        headerBGC: "#153A62",
        oddRowBGC: "#061F42",
        evenRowBGC: "#0C284A",
  created () {
    this.time = formatDate()
    this.timer = setInterval(() => {
      this.time = formatDate()
    }, 1000)
    this.timer2 = setInterval(() => {
      this.yellowType && this.changeYellow()
    }, 2000)
  beforeDestroy () {
    if (this.timer) {
    if (this.timer2) {
  mounted () {
    // this.getAppToken()
    setTimeout(() => {
      // 大屏二
      // this.initChartC1()
      // this.initChartC2()
      // this.initChartC3()
      // this.initChartC4()
      // this.initProjectList()
      // 大屏三
      // this.initChartR4()
      // this.initChartR5()

  methods: {
    // 获取token
    getAppToken () {
      let value = {
        "appId": "xilan1014",              //系统编码
        "appSecret": "12345678910Aa@Bb@Cc",     //AccessToken加密认证密钥
        "tenantid": "",              //租户id
        "accountId": "",     //数据中心id
        "language": "zh_CN"
      post('/ierp/api/getAppToken.do', value).then(res => {
        this.app_token = res.data.app_token
    // 获取AccessToken
    getAccessToken () {
      let value = {
        "user": "15503076138",                //登录用户手机号
        "apptoken": this.app_token,  //应用令牌
        "tenantid": "",                    //租户id
        "accountId": "",           //数据中心id
        "usertype": "Mobile"
      post('/ierp/api/login.do', value).then(res => {
        this.access_token = res.data.access_token
    getDate () {
      return new Promise((resolve, err) => {
        let value = {
          access_token: this.access_token,
          "data": {
            "mdnb_combofield": "A",
            "mdnb_datefield": "2023-01-01",
        post('/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_xmkb/mdnb_manager_preinvest/tqqyedfx', value).then(res => {
          // this.companyList = res.data.map(item => {
          //   return { name: item.orgName, id: item.orgNumber, orgLogoNum: item.orgLogoNum }
          // })
          // this.commonOption.xAxis.data = this.companyList.map(item => item.name)
          // this.getData()
          // resolve(1);
      let dataList = []
      // 中间
      // 投资关键指标
      center1[0] = dataList.keyIndicators.totalSum
      center1[1] = dataList.keyIndicators.total
      center1[2] = dataList.keyIndicators.property
      center1[3] = dataList.keyIndicators.invest
      // 投资产业分布
      // center2[0].value = dataList.distribution
      // 投资执行情况
      // center3
      // 中上
      center4[0] = dataList.transformations.estateAmount
      center4[1] = dataList.transformations.estateNum
      center4[2] = dataList.transformations.figureAmount
      center4[3] = dataList.transformations.figureNum
      // 地图
      // center5
      // 五个一体化
      center6[0] = dataList.five.amount1
      center6[1] = dataList.five.amount2
      center6[2] = dataList.five.amount3
      center6[3] = dataList.five.amount4
      center6[4] = dataList.five.amount5
      // 投资阶段分析
      // center7
      // 重点项目监控
      // center8

      // 左边
      // 投资额度分析
      left1[0] = dataList.mdnb_amountfield
      left1[1] = dataList.mdnb_amountfield1
      left1[2] = dataList.mdnb_amountfield2
      left2[1] = dataList.mdnb_amountfield3
      left2[0] = dataList.mdnb_mdnb_decimalfield
      // 企业额度分析
      // left3
      // 重点两线指标
      // left11
      // 投资计划分析
      totleLimit = dataList.mdnb_amountfield7
      totleLimit2 = dataList.mdnb_amountfield13
      totleLimit3 = dataList.mdnb_amountfield23
      totleLimit4 = dataList.mdnb_amountfield33
      totleLimit5 = dataList.mdnb_integerfield
      left5[0].y = dataList.mdnb_amountfield43
      left5[0].num = dataList.mdnb_integerfield14
      left5[1].y = dataList.mdnb_amountfield9
      left5[1].num = dataList.mdnb_integerfield15
      // left6
      // 产业布局分析
      // left7
      // left8
      // left9
      // left10
      // 项目阶段分析
      // echartL10
      // echartL11

      // 右边
      // 上面黄色轮播
      // right1

    yellowMouse (index) {
      if (index % 2 == 0) {
        this.yellowCount = index
        this.yellowPosition = (index / 2 - 1) * 315 + 40
        this.yellowType = false
    // 回到中国地图
    backChina () {
      this.centerShow = false
      setTimeout(() => {
    // 去项目看板
    goLookBoard (e) {
      console.log(e, '?????')
    // 单个柱状图的弹窗
    showChartLTipSingle (e) {
      this.titleName = e
      this.echartSingleTipShow = true
      setTimeout(() => {
    // 两个柱状图的弹窗
    showChartLTipDouble (e) {
      this.titleName = e
      this.echartDoubleTipShow = true
      setTimeout(() => {
    initChartLTip () {
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        series: [
          // {
          //   name: "2022年额度",
          //   type: "bar",
          //   data: [263.23, 402.18, 73.28, 144.80, 25.56, 8.23, 0, 12.97, 8.56, -1.72, 0, 0, 0, 76.90, 5.03, 9.14, 0, 0],
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            name: "2023年额度",
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        that.projectListTipShow = true

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    initChartL2 () {
      var chartData = left5
      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

      let that = this

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                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                            that.showTip3 = true
                      data: chartData
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              return true;
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          text: '主辅业计划占比',
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          formatter: function (e) {
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              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
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                timer && clearInterval(timer);
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                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
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                      item.selected = false
                      series: [{
                        type: 'pie',
                        name: '占比',
                        point: {
                          events: {
                            click: function (e) {
                        data: chartData
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartL2', option);

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initChartL3 () {
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      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

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                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
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                    item.selected = false
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
              }, 2000);
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              return true;
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          text: '项目管理类型',
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          //   console.log(e, this)
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          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/><b>${this.y}</b>亿,<b>${num}个</b>`
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
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            size: 220,
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              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
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          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
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          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
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                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
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                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
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                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
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                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
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                    item.selected = false
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                      item.selected = true
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                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
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                    i = 0;
                    chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                      item.sliced = false
                      item.selected = false
                      series: [{
                        type: 'pie',
                        name: '占比',
                        point: {
                          events: {
                            click: function (e) {
                        data: chartData
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initChartL4 () {
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              color: "#68b4dd66",
              width: 1,
              type: "dashed",
          axisLine: {
            show: true,
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#1E5389",
              width: 1,
              type: "solid",
          nameTextStyle: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 20,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: "2023年额度",
            type: "bar",
            data: left3[0],
            showBackground: true,
            backgroundStyle: {
              color: "#18416F",
            barWidth: "20",
            itemStyle: {
              // barBorderRadius: [10, 10, 0, 0],
              color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0, [
                  offset: 0,
                  color: '#082550',
                  offset: 1,
                  color: '#957DFF',

        legend: {
          // data: ["2022年额度", "2023年额度"],
          data: ["2023年额度"],
          textStyle: {
            // 图列内容样式
            color: "#fff", // 字体颜色
            fontSize: "20",
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          right: 'center',
          y: 5,
          // icon: "roundRect",
          // 小图标的宽高
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        nterval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,
      let that = this
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
        that.titleName = param.name
        that.echartEnterpriseShow = true
        setTimeout(() => {
    initChartL5 () {
      var chartData = left7
      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

      let that = this

      var option = {
        colors: ['#74a55d', '#cea446', '#b84b4b', '#5593ab', '#2a7652', '#c3643c', '#714585', '#b75d9f'],
        chart: {
          type: 'pie',
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          options3d: {
            enabled: true,
            alpha: 45,
            //beta: 0
          events: {
            // load,图表加载完成时触发
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;

              var points = chart.series[0].points;
              var len = points.length;

              timer && clearInterval(timer);
              timer = setInterval(function () {
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                  if (index == i) {
                    item.sliced = true
                    item.selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                if (i === len) {
                  i = 0;
              }, 2000);
            legendItemClick: function (event) {
              return true;
        credits: {
          enabled: false  //去掉hightchats水印
        legend: {
          // labelFormatter: function() {
          //     return 123;
          // },
          align: 'right',//横向位置
          verticalAlign: 'middle', // 纵向位置
          layout: "vertical",//横排还是竖排
          x: -110,
          y: 50,
          symbolWidth: 50,
          itemDistance: 50,
          itemStyle: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#fff',
            x: 20,
            fontWeight: 0,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        title: {
          text: '传统产业分析',
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 24,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          align: 'center',
          verticalAlign: "bottom",
          x: -120
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
          // positioner: function(e){
          //   console.log(e, this)
          // },
          useHTML: false, //开启html模式
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/><b>${this.y}</b>亿,<b>${num}个</b>`
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
            cursor: 'pointer',
            size: 220,
            innerSize: 150, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
            depth: 25, //立体高度
            slicedOffset: 21, //动画距离
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
        series: [{
          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
          //center: ['35%','50%'],
          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                chartData[e.target.index].sliced = true
                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
                var points = chart.series[0].points;
                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    if (index == i) {
                      item.sliced = true
                      item.selected = true
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
                  if (i === len) {
                    i = 0;
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartL5', option);

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initChartL6 () {
      var chartData = left8
      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

      let that = this

      var option = {
        colors: ['#74a55d', '#cea446', '#b84b4b', '#5593ab', '#2a7652', '#c3643c', '#714585', '#b75d9f'],
        chart: {
          type: 'pie',
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          options3d: {
            enabled: true,
            alpha: 45,
            //beta: 0
          events: {
            // load,图表加载完成时触发
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;

              var points = chart.series[0].points;
              var len = points.length;

              timer && clearInterval(timer);
              timer = setInterval(function () {
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                  if (index == i) {
                    item.sliced = true
                    item.selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                if (i === len) {
                  i = 0;
              }, 2000);
            legendItemClick: function (event) {
              return true;
        credits: {
          enabled: false  //去掉hightchats水印
        legend: {
          // labelFormatter: function() {
          //     return 123;
          // },
          align: 'right',//横向位置
          verticalAlign: 'middle', // 纵向位置
          layout: "vertical",//横排还是竖排
          x: -30,
          y: 30,
          symbolWidth: 50,
          itemDistance: 50,
          itemStyle: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#fff',
            x: 20,
            fontWeight: 0,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        title: {
          text: '战略性新兴产业',
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 24,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          align: 'center',
          verticalAlign: "bottom",
          x: -120
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
          // positioner: function(e){
          //   console.log(e, this)
          // },
          useHTML: false, //开启html模式
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/><b>${this.y}</b>亿,<b>${num}个</b>`
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
            cursor: 'pointer',
            size: 220,
            innerSize: 150, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
            depth: 25, //立体高度
            slicedOffset: 21, //动画距离
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
        series: [{
          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
          //center: ['35%','50%'],
          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                chartData[e.target.index].sliced = true
                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
                var points = chart.series[0].points;
                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    if (index == i) {
                      item.sliced = true
                      item.selected = true
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
                  if (i === len) {
                    i = 0;
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartL6', option);

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initChartL7 () {
      var chartData = left9
      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

      let that = this

      var option = {
        colors: ['#74a55d', '#cea446', '#b84b4b', '#5593ab', '#2a7652', '#c3643c', '#714585', '#b75d9f'],
        chart: {
          type: 'pie',
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          options3d: {
            enabled: true,
            alpha: 45,
            //beta: 0
          events: {
            // load,图表加载完成时触发
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;

              var points = chart.series[0].points;
              var len = points.length;

              timer && clearInterval(timer);
              timer = setInterval(function () {
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                  if (index == i) {
                    item.sliced = true
                    item.selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                if (i === len) {
                  i = 0;
              }, 2000);
            legendItemClick: function (event) {
              return true;
        credits: {
          enabled: false  //去掉hightchats水印
        title: {
          text: '特色优势产业',
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 24,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          align: 'center',
          verticalAlign: "bottom",
          x: -120
        legend: {
          // labelFormatter: function() {
          //     return 123;
          // },
          align: 'right',//横向位置
          verticalAlign: 'middle', // 纵向位置
          layout: "vertical",//横排还是竖排
          x: -50,
          y: 30,
          symbolWidth: 50,
          itemDistance: 50,
          itemStyle: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#fff',
            x: 20,
            fontWeight: 0,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
          // positioner: function(e){
          //   console.log(e, this)
          // },
          useHTML: false, //开启html模式
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/><b>${this.y}</b>亿,<b>${num}个</b>`
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
            cursor: 'pointer',
            size: 220,
            innerSize: 150, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
            depth: 25, //立体高度
            slicedOffset: 21, //动画距离
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
        series: [{
          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
          //center: ['35%','50%'],
          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                chartData[e.target.index].sliced = true
                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
                var points = chart.series[0].points;
                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    if (index == i) {
                      item.sliced = true
                      item.selected = true
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
                  if (i === len) {
                    i = 0;
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartL7', option);

      function autoTooltip (point) {

    initChartL8 () {
      var chartData = left10
      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

      let that = this

      var option = {
        colors: ['#74a55d', '#cea446', '#b84b4b', '#5593ab', '#2a7652', '#c3643c', '#714585', '#b75d9f'],
        chart: {
          type: 'pie',
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          options3d: {
            enabled: true,
            alpha: 45,
            //beta: 0
          events: {
            // load,图表加载完成时触发
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;

              var points = chart.series[0].points;
              var len = points.length;

              timer && clearInterval(timer);
              timer = setInterval(function () {
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                  if (index == i) {
                    item.sliced = true
                    item.selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                if (i === len) {
                  i = 0;
              }, 2000);
            legendItemClick: function (event) {
              return true;
        credits: {
          enabled: false  //去掉hightchats水印
        title: {
          text: '公共基础等产业',
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 24,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          align: 'center',
          verticalAlign: "bottom",
          x: -120
        legend: {
          // labelFormatter: function() {
          //     return 123;
          // },
          align: 'right',//横向位置
          verticalAlign: 'middle', // 纵向位置
          layout: "vertical",//横排还是竖排
          x: -70,
          y: 50,
          symbolWidth: 50,
          itemDistance: 50,
          itemStyle: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#fff',
            x: 20,
            fontWeight: 0,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
          // positioner: function(e){
          //   console.log(e, this)
          // },
          useHTML: false, //开启html模式
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/><b>${this.y}</b>亿,<b>${num}个</b>`
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
            cursor: 'pointer',
            size: 220,
            innerSize: 150, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
            depth: 25, //立体高度
            slicedOffset: 21, //动画距离
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
        series: [{
          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
          //center: ['35%','50%'],
          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                chartData[e.target.index].sliced = true
                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
                var points = chart.series[0].points;
                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    if (index == i) {
                      item.sliced = true
                      item.selected = true
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
                  if (i === len) {
                    i = 0;
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartL8', option);

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initChartL9 () {
      this.chartCarousel = echarts.init(document.getElementById("echartL9"));
      option = {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis',
          formatter: '指标:' + '{c0}' + '<br/>' + '发展线:' + '{c1}' + '<br/>' + '生存线:' + '{c2}',  //+ '<br/>'+ '{a1}:{c1}' + '%',
          axisPointer: {
            type: 'shadow',
        grid: {
          top: '10%',
          right: '5%',
          left: '12%',
          bottom: '15%',
        xAxis: {
          // data: ['总投资收益率', '销售利润率', '成本费用利润率', '总资产周转率', '财务内部收益率'],
          data: left15[this.countType],
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          axisTick: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            rotate: 30,
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: 20,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#68b4dd66',
                type: 'dashed',
            axisLine: {
              show: false
            axisLabel: {
              show: true,
              formatter: '{value}%',
              textStyle: {
                color: '#fff',
                fontSize: 20,
                fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: '#ebf8ac',
              fontSize: 16,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '实际值',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 20,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#69c0ff',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            // data: [70, 52, 33, 41, 52],
            data: left12[this.count + 1][2]
            name: '',
            type: 'line',
            barWidth: 15,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#69c0ff',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: 'green',
            // data: [20, 30, 15, 28, 36],
            data: left12[this.count + 1][1]
            name: '',
            type: 'line',
            barWidth: 15,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#69c0ff',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: 'yellow',
            // data: [15, 22, 17, 33, 14],
            data: left12[this.count + 1][0]
      let that = this
      this.chartCarousel.on('click', function (param) {
        that.titleName = param.name
        that.echartSingleTipShow = true
        setTimeout(() => {
      // tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
      //   nterval: 2000,
      //   loopSeries: true,
      // })
    initChartL10 () {
      let myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("echartL10"));
      let option = {
        title: {
          text: '固定资产进度分布',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#69C0FF',
            fontSize: 30,
            fontWeight: 500,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          top: '20',
          left: '20'
        textStyle: {
          color: '#fff',
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "axis",
          formatter: function (params) {
            var tip = params[0].axisValue + '<br/>' + params[0].marker + params[0].data[1] + ':' + params[0].data[2] + '个,' + params[0].data[3] + '亿元' + '<br/>' + params[1].marker + params[1].data[1] + ':' + params[1].data[2] + '个,' + params[1].data[3] + '亿元';
            return tip
          textStyle: {
            color: '#ffffff',     // 文字的颜色
            fontSize: '20',    // 文字字体大小
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          axisPointer: {
            // lineStyle: {
            //   type: 'dashed',
            //   width: 2,
            //   color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)'
            // },
            animation: false
        grid: {
          top: '0%',
          right: '5%',
          left: '15%',
          bottom: '-10%',
        yAxis: {
          data: ['备案', '特别监管'],
          splitLine: {
            show: false,
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#68b4dd66',
              type: 'dashed',
          axisLine: {
            show: false
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            formatter: '{value}',
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff',
              fontSize: 20,
              padding: [0, -10, 0, 0],
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei',
          nameTextStyle: {
            color: '#ebf8ac',
            fontSize: 16,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        xAxis: {
          data: ['项目储备', '项目立项', '可研论证', '投资决策'],
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          axisTick: {
            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: 20,
              padding: [-320, 0, 0, 0],
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '特别监管',
            type: 'scatter',
            symbol: 'circle',//'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[2]) * 5;
            // label: {
            //   emphasis: {
            //     show: true,
            //     formatter: function (param) {
            //       return param.data[2];
            //     },
            //     position: 'top'
            //   }
            // },
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#69c0ff'
            data: left13[0]
            name: '备案',
            type: 'scatter',
            symbol: 'circle',//'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[2]) * 5;
            // label: {
            //   emphasis: {
            //     show: true,
            //     formatter: function (param) {
            //       return param.data[2];
            //     },
            //     position: 'top'
            //   }
            // },
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#957DFF'
            data: left13[1]
      let that = this
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        nterval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,
    initChartL11 () {
      let myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("echartL11"));
      let option = {
        title: {
          text: '股权类进度分布',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#69C0FF',
            fontSize: 30,
            fontWeight: 500,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          top: '20',
          left: '20'
        textStyle: {
          color: '#fff',
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "axis",
          formatter: function (params) {
            var tip = params[0].axisValue + '<br/>' + params[0].marker + params[0].data[1] + ':' + params[0].data[2] + '个,' + params[0].data[3] + '亿元' + '<br/>' + params[1].marker + params[1].data[1] + ':' + params[1].data[2] + '个,' + params[1].data[3] + '亿元';
            return tip
          textStyle: {
            color: '#FFF',     // 文字的颜色
            fontSize: '20',    // 文字字体大小
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          axisPointer: {
            // lineStyle: {
            //   type: 'dashed',
            //   width: 2,
            //   color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)'
            // },
            animation: true
        grid: {
          top: '0%',
          right: '5%',
          left: '15%',
          bottom: '-10%',
        yAxis: {
          data: ['备案', '特别监管'],
          splitLine: {
            show: false,
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#68b4dd66',
              type: 'dashed',
          axisLine: {
            show: false
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            formatter: '{value}',
            textStyle: {
              fontSize: 20,
              padding: [0, -10, 0, 0],
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          nameTextStyle: {
            color: '#ebf8ac',
            fontSize: 16,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        xAxis: {
          data: ['项目储备', '项目立项', '可研论证', '投资决策'],
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          axisTick: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: 20,
              padding: [-320, 0, 0, 0],
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '',
            type: 'scatter',
            symbol: 'circle',
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[2]) * 5;
            // label: {
            //   emphasis: {
            //     show: true,
            //     formatter: function (param) {
            //       return param.data[2];
            //     },
            //     position: 'top'
            //   }
            // },
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#40A9FF'
            data: left14[0]
            name: '',
            type: 'scatter',
            symbol: 'circle',
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[2]) * 5;
            // label: {
            //   emphasis: {
            //     show: true,
            //     formatter: function (param) {
            //       return param.data[2];
            //     },
            //     position: 'top'
            //   }
            // },
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#957DFF'
            data: left14[1]
      let that = this
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        nterval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,
    // 大屏二
    initChartC1 () {
      var chartData = center2
      var timer = null;
      var i = 0;

      let that = this

      var option = {
        colors: ['#74a55d', '#cea446', '#b84b4b', '#5593ab', '#2a7652', '#c3643c', '#714585', '#b75d9f'],
        chart: {
          type: 'pie',
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          options3d: {
            enabled: true,
            alpha: 60,
            //beta: 0
          events: {
            // load,图表加载完成时触发
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;

              var points = chart.series[0].points;
              var len = points.length;

              timer && clearInterval(timer);
              timer = setInterval(function () {
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                  if (index == i) {
                    item.sliced = true
                    item.selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                if (i === len) {
                  i = 0;
              }, 2000);
            legendItemClick: function (event) {
              return true;
        credits: {
          enabled: false  //去掉hightchats水印
        legend: {
          layout: 'vertical',
          align: 'right',
          y: -10,
          verticalAlign: 'bottom',
          itemStyle: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#fff',
            fontWeight: 0,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
          useHTML: false, //开启html模式
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/>投资完成额:<b>${this.y}</b>亿<br/>投资数量:<b>${num}个</b>`
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
            cursor: 'pointer',
            size: 500,
            innerSize: 330, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
            depth: 75, //立体高度
            slicedOffset: 40, //动画距离
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
        title: {
          text: '',
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 24,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          align: 'center',
          verticalAlign: "bottom",
          x: -120
        series: [{
          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
          center: ['74%', '50%'],
          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                chartData[e.target.index].sliced = true
                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
                var points = chart.series[0].points;
                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    if (index == i) {
                      item.sliced = true
                      item.selected = true
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
                  if (i === len) {
                    i = 0;
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartC1', option);

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initChartC2 () {
      let that = this
      let myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartC2'])
      myChart.on('showTip', (params) => {
        // 如果是7或者15并且满足防抖则切换
        if ((params.dataIndex == 5 || params.dataIndex == 11) && that.echartC2Fd) {
          that.echartC2Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = option.dataZoom[0].endValue + 6
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = option.dataZoom[0].startValue + 6
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartC2Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 1900);
          // 如果是17表示到了最后一个,那么重新来一遍
        } else if (params.dataIndex == 17 && that.echartC2Fd) {
          that.echartC2Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = 0
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = 5
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartC2Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 1900)
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          formatter: data => {
            return `${data[0].name}<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[0].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[0].seriesName}:${data[0].value}亿 <br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[1].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[1].seriesName}:${data[1].value}亿`
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: {
            // type: 'cross',',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#FFF',     // 文字的颜色
            fontSize: '20',    // 文字字体大小
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        dataZoom: [
            // start: 9,//默认为@
            // end: 100,//黑认认为1@0
            type: "slider",
            show: false,
            // xAxisIndex: [0]
            handlesize: 0,//滑动条的 左右2个滑动条的大小
            startValue: 5,// 初始显示值
            endValue: 0,// 结束显示值
            height: 10,//组件高度
            left: "5%",
            right: "4%",//右边的距离
            bottom: "25%",//底边的距离
            borderColor: "#939",
            fillerColor: "#269cdb",
            borderRadius: 5,
            backgroundColor: "#33384b",//两边未选中的滑动条区域的额色
            showDataShadow: false,//是否显示数据阴影
            showDetail: false,//即拖拽时候是否显示详细数值信息 
            truerealtime: true,//是否实时更新
            filterMode: "filter"
          }, {
            type: 'inside',
            show: true,
            start: 1,
            end: 100,
            zoomOnMouseWheel: false,  //滚轮是否触发缩放
            moveOnMouseMove: false,  //鼠标滚轮触发滚动
        grid: {
          top: '10%',
          right: '3%',
          left: '7%',
          bottom: '15%',
        legend: {
          top: '1',
          right: 'center',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        xAxis: {
          data: center3.map(item => item.name),
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          axisTick: {
            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            rotate: 40,
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff',//'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: '20',
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            name: '亿元',
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#68b4dd66',
                type: 'dashed',
            axisLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#3D7495',
            axisLabel: {
              show: true,
              textStyle: {
                color: '#fff',
                fontSize: '20',
                fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: '#fff',
              fontSize: 20,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '计划投资',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#69c0ff',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: center3.map(item => item.value),
            name: '实际投资',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#957DFF',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: center3.map(item => item.value2),
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
        that.projectListTipShow = true
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        nterval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,
      // let arr = center3.map(item => item.value2)
      // this.timeOut = setInterval(function () {

      //   let startValue = myChart.getModel().option.dataZoom[0].startValue;
      //   let endValue = myChart.getModel().option.dataZoom[0].endValue;
      //   let start = myChart.getModel().option.xAxis[0].data[startValue];//起始X轴
      //   let end = myChart.getModel().option.xAxis[0].data[endValue];//结束X轴
      //   // 每次向后滚动一个,最后一个从头开始。
      //   // console.log(option.dataZoom[0].endValue);

      //   if (option.dataZoom[0].endValue >= 12) {
      //     option.dataZoom[0].endValue = 5
      //     option.dataZoom[0].startValue = 0
      //   } else {
      //     option.dataZoom[0].endValue = option.dataZoom[0].endValue + 6
      //     option.dataZoom[0].startValue = option.dataZoom[0].startValue + 6
      //   }

      //   // myChart.dispatchAction({
      //   //   type: 'showTip',
      //   //   seriesIndex: 0,
      //   //   dataIndex: startValue +1,
      //   // });
      //   myChart.setOption(option);
      // }, 12000);

    convertData (data) {
      var res = []
      for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var geoCoord = this.geoCoordMap[data[i].name]
        if (geoCoord) {
            name: data[i].name,
            value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value),
      return res
    initProvinceChart () {
      var data = [
        { name: '大同市', value: 60.35, value2: 28 },
        { name: '朔州市', value: 33.61, value2: 13 },
        { name: '忻州市', value: 73.35, value2: 25 },
        { name: '吕梁市', value: 109.04, value2: 45 },
        { name: '太原市', value: 251.67, value2: 113 },
        { name: '阳泉市', value: 25.12, value2: 28 },
        { name: '晋中市', value: 148.57, value2: 52 },
        { name: '临汾市', value: 130.55, value2: 30 },
        { name: '长治市', value: 103.00, value2: 23 },
        { name: '运城市', value: 41.06, value2: 23 },
        { name: '晋城市', value: 45.43, value2: 31 }
      this.geoCoordMap = []
      this.mapChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echarts-map'])
      echarts.registerMap('shanxi', shanxi)
      var mapFeatures = echarts.getMap('shanxi').geoJson.features
      mapFeatures.forEach(v => {
        // 地区名称
        var name = v.properties.name
        // 地区经纬度
        this.geoCoordMap[name] = v.properties.centroid
        // 按照地图乱序
        // data.push({ name: v.properties.name, value: v.properties.centroid[0], value2: v.properties.centroid[1] })
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          padding: 15,
          enterable: true,
          transitionDuration: 1,
          formatter: (params, ticket, callback) => {
            // 清空所有轮播
            for (var k in this.geoCoordMap) {
                // type: 'geoUnSelect',
                type: 'downplay',
                name: k,
            // 如果鼠标滑动到线线上面,则返回空
              // type: 'geoSelect',
              type: 'highlight',
              name: params.name,
            if (params.componentSubType == 'lines') {
            if (params.componentSubType == 'scatter') {
              let tipHtml = `
              <div class="tooltip-cont">
              callback(ticket, tipHtml)
              return tipHtml
            if (params.componentSubType == 'map') {
              let tipHtml = `
              <div class="tooltip-cont">
              callback(ticket, tipHtml)
              return tipHtml

        visualMap: {
          show: false,
          min: 0,
          max: 300,
          right: 0,
          bottom: 0,
          text: ['高', '低'],
          textStyle: {
            color: '#f1f1f1'
          realtime: false,
          calculable: false,
          inRange: {
            color: ['lightskyblue', '#2754b7']
        geo: {
          show: true,
          map: 'shanxi',
          layoutCenter: ['50%', '50%'], //地图位置
          layoutSize: '140%',
          label: {
            normal: {
              position: [100, 100],
              fontSize: 25,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei',
              fontWeight: 600,
              color: '#fff',
              show: true,
            emphasis: {
              show: true,
              color: '#e7e1a0',
              fontSize: 30,
          roam: false,
          itemStyle: {
            normal: {
              areaColor: '#1946a8',
              shadowColor: '#1946a8',
              borderWidth: 2, //设置外层边框
              borderColor: '#1946a8',
              shadowOffsetX: 0,
              shadowOffsetY: 0,
              shadowBlur: 0,
            emphasis: {
              areaColor: '#013d95',
              borderColor: '#e7e1a0',
              borderWidth: 4, //设置外层边框
        series: [
            type: 'map',
            map: 'shanxi',
            geoIndex: 0,
            aspectScale: 1.5, //长宽比
            data: data,
      let that = this
      this.mapChart.on('click', function (params) {
        if (params.name == '太原市') {
      tools.loopShowTooltip(this.mapChart, option, {
        interval: 2000,
        loopSeries: false,
    initChinaChart () {
      var data = [{ name: '河北', value: 60.35, value2: 28 },
      { name: '山西', value: 4060.35, value2: 29 },
      { name: '辽宁', value: 260.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '吉林', value: 360.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '黑龙江', value: 460.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '江苏', value: 560.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '浙江', value: 60.35, value2: 28 },
      { name: '安徽', value: 160.35, value2: 29 },
      { name: '福建', value: 260.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '江西', value: 360.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '山东', value: 460.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '河南', value: 560.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '湖北', value: 60.35, value2: 28 },
      { name: '湖南', value: 160.35, value2: 29 },
      { name: '广东', value: 260.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '海南', value: 360.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '四川', value: 6.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '贵州', value: 560.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '云南', value: 60.35, value2: 28 },
      { name: '陕西', value: 160.35, value2: 29 },
      { name: '甘肃', value: 260.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '青海', value: 360.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '台湾', value: 460.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '内蒙古', value: 560.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '广西', value: 60.35, value2: 28 },
      { name: '西藏', value: 160.35, value2: 29 },
      { name: '宁夏', value: 260.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '新疆', value: 360.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '北京', value: 460.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '天津', value: 560.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '上海', value: 260.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '重庆', value: 360.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '香港', value: 460.35, value2: 30 },
      { name: '澳门', value: 560.35, value2: 30 },]

      this.geoCoordMap = []
      this.mapChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['chinaMap'])
      echarts.registerMap('china', china)
      var mapFeatures = echarts.getMap('china').geoJson.features
      mapFeatures.forEach(v => {
        // 地区名称
        var name = v.properties.name
        // 地区经纬度
        this.geoCoordMap[name] = v.properties.cp
        data.push({ name: v.properties.name, value: v.properties.cp[0], value2: v.properties.cp[1] })
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          padding: 15,
          enterable: true,
          transitionDuration: 1,
          formatter: (params, ticket, callback) => {
            // 清空所有轮播
              // type: 'geoUnSelect',
              type: 'downplay',
              name: '南海诸岛',
            for (var k in this.geoCoordMap) {
                // type: 'geoUnSelect',
                type: 'downplay',
                name: k,
            // 如果鼠标滑动到线线上面,则返回空
              // type: 'geoSelect',
              type: 'highlight',
              name: params.name,
            if (params.componentSubType == 'lines') {
            if (params.componentSubType == 'scatter') {
              let tipHtml = `
              <div class="tooltip-cont">
              callback(ticket, tipHtml)
              return tipHtml
            if (params.componentSubType == 'map') {
              let tipHtml = `
              <div class="tooltip-cont">
              callback(ticket, tipHtml)
              return tipHtml

        visualMap: {
          show: false,
          min: 0,
          max: 1000,
          left: '100',
          bottom: 100,
          text: ['高', '低'],
          textStyle: {
            color: '#f1f1f1'
          realtime: true, //拖拽时,是否实时更新
          calculable: false,
          inRange: {
            color: ['lightskyblue', '#2754b7']
          itemWidth: 50, //图形的宽度,即长条的宽度。
          itemHeight: 400, //图形的高度,即长条的高度。
          textStyle: {
            fontSize: 30,
            color: '#fff'
        geo: {
          show: true,
          map: 'china',
          layoutCenter: ['50%', '50%'], //地图位置
          layoutSize: '110%',
          label: {
            normal: {
              position: [100, 100],
              fontSize: 25,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei',
              fontWeight: 600,
              color: '#fff',
              show: true,
            emphasis: {
              show: true,
              color: '#e7e1a0',
              fontSize: 30,
          // 滑轮缩放
          roam: false,
          itemStyle: {
            normal: {
              areaColor: '#1946a8',
              shadowColor: '#1946a8',
              borderWidth: 2, //设置外层边框
              borderColor: '#0b245b',
              shadowOffsetX: 0,
              shadowOffsetY: 0,
              shadowBlur: 0,
            emphasis: {
              areaColor: '#013d95',
              borderColor: '#e7e1a0',
              borderWidth: 4, //设置外层边框
        series: [
            type: 'map',
            map: 'china',
            geoIndex: 0,
            data: data,
      let that = this
      this.mapChart.on('click', function (params) {
        if (params.name == '山西') {
          that.centerShow = true
          setTimeout(() => {
      tools.loopShowTooltip(this.mapChart, option, {
        interval: 2000,
        loopSeries: false,
    initChartC3 () {
      let myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartC3'])
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis',
          formatter: '{a0}:{c0}' + '亿元',  //+ '<br/>'+ '{a1}:{c1}' + '%',
          axisPointer: {
            // type: 'cross',',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#FFF',     // 文字的颜色
            fontSize: '20',    // 文字字体大小
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        grid: {
          top: '8%',
          right: '3%',
          left: '7%',
          bottom: '10%',
        // legend: {
        //   top: '1',
        //   textStyle: {
        //     color: 'rgba(250,250,250,0.6)',
        //   },
        // },
        xAxis: {
          data: center6.map(item => item.name),
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          axisTick: {
            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            rotate: 20,
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff',//'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: '20',
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            name: '亿元',
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#68b4dd66',
                type: 'dashed',
            axisLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#3D7495',
            axisLabel: {
              show: true,
              textStyle: {
                color: '#fff',
                fontSize: '20',
                fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: '#fff',
              fontSize: 20,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
            type: 'value',
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
            splitLine: {
              show: false,
            axisLabel: {
              show: true,
              formatter: '{value} %',
              textStyle: {
                color: 'rgba(250,250,250,0.6)',
        series: [
            type: 'bar',
            name: '投资金额',
            barWidth: 15,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#69c0ff',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: center6.map(item => item.value),
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
        that.projectListTipShow = true
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        interval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,

    initChartC4 () {
      var chartData = []
      var timer = null;
      var timer2 = null;
      var i = 0;

      center7.forEach((item, index) => {
        let obj = {
          name: item.name,
          y: item.value2,
          num: item.value,
          sliced: false,
          selected: false,
          color: index == 0 ? '#74a55d' : '#cea446'

      let that = this
      var chart = Highcharts.chart('echartC4', {
        chart: {
          type: 'pie',
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
          options3d: {
            enabled: true,
            alpha: 60,
            //beta: 0
          events: {
            // load,图表加载完成时触发
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;

              var points = chart.series[0].points;
              var len = points.length;

              timer && clearInterval(timer);
              timer = setInterval(function () {
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                  if (index == i) {
                    item.sliced = true
                    item.selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                if (i === len) {
                  i = 0;
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
              }, 2000);
            legendItemClick: function (event) {
              return true;
        credits: {
          enabled: false  //去掉hightchats水印
        title: {
          text: null
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
          // positioner: function(e){
          //   console.log(e, this)
          // },
          useHTML: false, //开启html模式
          style: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: '20',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: function (e) {
            let num = chartData[this.colorIndex].num
            this.percentage = Math.round(this.percentage)
            return `${this.key}:<b>${this.percentage}%</b><br/>投资完成额:<b>${this.y}</b>亿<br/>投资数量:<b>${num}个</b>`
        legend: {
          layout: 'vertical',
          align: 'right',
          y: -10,
          verticalAlign: 'bottom',
          itemStyle: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#fff',
            fontWeight: 0,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            allowPointSelect: true,
            showInLegend: true, // 图例
            cursor: 'pointer',
            size: 500,
            innerSize: 330, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
            depth: 75, //立体高度
            slicedOffset: 40, //动画距离
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false,  // 是否展示指示线
              format: '{point.name}: {point.percentage}'
        series: [{
          type: 'pie',
          name: '占比',
          center: ['60%', '50%'],
          y: -10,
          point: {
            events: {
              click: function (e) { //点击事件
              mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
                chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                  item.sliced = false
                  item.selected = false
                chartData[e.target.index].sliced = true
                chartData[e.target.index].selected = true
                  series: [{
                    type: 'pie',
                    name: '占比',
                    point: {
                      events: {
                        click: function (e) {
                    data: chartData
                timer && clearInterval(timer);
              mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
                var points = chart.series[0].points;
                var len = points.length;

                timer && clearInterval(timer);
                timer = setInterval(function () {
                  chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                    item.sliced = false
                    item.selected = false
                    if (index == i) {
                      item.sliced = true
                      item.selected = true
                    series: [{
                      type: 'pie',
                      name: '占比',
                      point: {
                        events: {
                          click: function (e) {
                      data: chartData
                  if (i === len) {
                    i = 0;
                    chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
                      item.sliced = false
                      item.selected = false
                      series: [{
                        type: 'pie',
                        name: '占比',
                        point: {
                          events: {
                            click: function (e) {
                        data: chartData
                }, 2000);
          data: chartData

      function autoTooltip (point) {
    initProjectList () {
      let dataList = []
      center8.map(item => {
        dataList.push([item.office, item.name, item.value + '亿'])
      this.storageRecordConfig2.data = dataList
      this.storageRecordConfig2 = { ...this.storageRecordConfig2 }
    // 大屏三
    initChartR1 () {
      let that = this
      let myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartR1'])
      myChart.on('showTip', (params) => {
        // 如果是7或者15并且满足防抖则切换
        if ((params.dataIndex == 5 || params.dataIndex == 11) && that.echartR1Fd) {
          that.echartR1Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = option.dataZoom[0].endValue + 6
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = option.dataZoom[0].startValue + 6
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartR1Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 1900);
          // 如果是17表示到了最后一个,那么重新来一遍
        } else if (params.dataIndex == 17 && that.echartR1Fd) {
          that.echartR1Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = 0
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = 5
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartR1Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 1900)
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          formatter: data => {
            return `${data[0].name}<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[0].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[0].seriesName}:${data[0].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[1].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[1].seriesName}:${data[1].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[2].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[2].seriesName}:${data[2].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[3].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[3].seriesName}:${data[3].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[4].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[4].seriesName}:${data[4].value}亿`
          textStyle: {
            color: '#FFF',     // 文字的颜色
            fontSize: '20',    // 文字字体大小
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: {
            // type: 'cross',',
        dataZoom: [
            // start: 9,//默认为@
            // end: 100,//黑认认为1@0
            type: "slider",
            show: false,
            // xAxisIndex: [0]
            handlesize: 0,//滑动条的 左右2个滑动条的大小
            startValue: 5,// 初始显示值
            endValue: 0,// 结束显示值
            height: 10,//组件高度
            left: "5%",
            right: "4%",//右边的距离
            bottom: "25%",//底边的距离
            borderColor: "#939",
            fillerColor: "#269cdb",
            borderRadius: 5,
            backgroundColor: "#33384b",//两边未选中的滑动条区域的额色
            showDataShadow: false,//是否显示数据阴影
            showDetail: false,//即拖拽时候是否显示详细数值信息 
            truerealtime: true,//是否实时更新
            filterMode: "filter"
          }, {
            type: 'inside',
            show: true,
            start: 1,
            end: 100,
            zoomOnMouseWheel: false,  //滚轮是否触发缩放
            moveOnMouseMove: false,  //鼠标滚轮触发滚动
        grid: {
          top: '10%',
          right: '3%',
          left: '5%',
          bottom: '5%',
        legend: {
          data: ["预算额", "已签合同额", '产值认定额', '结算额', '付款额'],
          x: 'center',
          y: '0px',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: "20",
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        xAxis: {
          data: right4.map(item => item.name),
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          axisTick: {
            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            // rotate: 40,
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff',//'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: "20",
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            name: '亿元',
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)',
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#68b4dd66',
                type: 'dashed',
            axisLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#3D7495',
            axisLabel: {
              show: true,
              textStyle: {
                color: '#fff',
                fontSize: "20",
                fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: '#fff',
              fontSize: 20,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '预算额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#74a55d',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right4.map(item => item.value),
            name: '已签合同额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#cea446',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right4.map(item => item.value2),
            name: '产值认定额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#b84b4b',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right4.map(item => item.value),
            name: '结算额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#5593ab',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right4.map(item => item.value2),
            name: '付款额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#2a7652',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right4.map(item => item.value),
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
        that.projectListTipShow = true
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        interval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,
    initChartR2 () {
      let that = this
      const itemStyle = {
        // opacity: 0.8,
        shadowBlur: 10,
        shadowOffsetX: 0,
        shadowOffsetY: 0,
        shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
      let myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartR2'])
      myChart.on('showTip', (params) => {
        // 如果是7或者15并且满足防抖则切换
        if ((params.dataIndex == 5 || params.dataIndex == 11) && that.echartR2Fd) {
          that.echartR2Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = option.dataZoom[0].endValue + 6
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = option.dataZoom[0].startValue + 6
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartR2Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 1900);
          // 如果是17表示到了最后一个,那么重新来一遍
        } else if (params.dataIndex == 17 && that.echartR2Fd) {
          that.echartR2Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = 0
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = 5
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartR2Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 1900)
      let option = {
        color: ['#74a55d', '#cea446', '#b84b4b'],
        dataZoom: [
            // start: 9,//默认为@
            // end: 100,//黑认认为1@0
            type: "slider",
            show: false,
            // xAxisIndex: [0]
            handlesize: 0,//滑动条的 左右2个滑动条的大小
            startValue: 5,// 初始显示值
            endValue: 0,// 结束显示值
            height: 10,//组件高度
            left: "5%",
            right: "4%",//右边的距离
            bottom: "25%",//底边的距离
            borderColor: "#939",
            fillerColor: "#269cdb",
            borderRadius: 5,
            backgroundColor: "#33384b",//两边未选中的滑动条区域的额色
            showDataShadow: false,//是否显示数据阴影
            showDetail: false,//即拖拽时候是否显示详细数值信息 
            truerealtime: true,//是否实时更新
            filterMode: "filter"
          }, {
            type: 'inside',
            show: true,
            start: 1,
            end: 100,
            zoomOnMouseWheel: false,  //滚轮是否触发缩放
            moveOnMouseMove: false,  //鼠标滚轮触发滚动
        legend: {
          top: 10,
          data: ['正偏差', '容差', '负偏差'],
          textStyle: {
            fontSize: 20,
            color: '#fff',
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        textStyle: {
          color: '#fff',
        tooltip: {
          show: true,
          trigger: "axis",
          textStyle: {
            color: '#FFF',     // 文字的颜色
            fontSize: '20',    // 文字字体大小
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          formatter: data => {
            return `${data[0].value[0]}<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[0].color}"></span> ${data[0].seriesName}:${data[0].data[1]}亿<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[1].color}"></span> ${data[1].seriesName}:${data[1].data[1]}亿<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[2].color}"></span> ${data[2].seriesName}:${data[2].data[1]}亿`
          axisPointer: {
            //  // type: 'cross',',
        grid: {
          top: '10%',
          right: '4%',
          left: '5%',
          bottom: '5%',
        yAxis: {
          name: '亿元',
          splitLine: {
            show: true,
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#68b4dd66',
              type: 'dashed',
          axisLine: {
            show: false
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            formatter: '{value}',
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff',
              fontSize: '20',
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          nameTextStyle: {
            color: '#fff',
            fontSize: 20,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        xAxis: {
          data: right5[0].map(item => item[0]),
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
          splitLine: {
            show: true,
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#68b4dd66',
              type: 'dashed',
          axisTick: {
            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
          axisLabel: {
            show: true,
            // rotate: 40,
            padding: [0, 0, 0, 0],
            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff', //X轴文字颜色
              fontSize: 20,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '正偏差',
            type: 'scatter',
            itemStyle: itemStyle,
            data: right5[0],
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[1]) * 9;
            name: '容差',
            type: 'scatter',
            itemStyle: itemStyle,
            data: right5[1],
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[1]) * 8;
            name: '负偏差',
            type: 'scatter',
            itemStyle: itemStyle,
            data: right5[2],
            symbolSize: function (data) {
              return Math.sqrt(data[1]) * 7;
      myChart.on('click', function (param) {
        // that.showChartLTipDouble(param.name)
        that.projectListTipShow = true
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        interval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,
    initChartR3 () {
      let that = this
      let myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartR3'])
      myChart.on('showTip', (params) => {
        this.echartR4Chart ? this.echartR4Chart.dispose() : ''
        this.echartR5Chart ? this.echartR5Chart.dispose() : ''
        // 如果是7或者15并且满足防抖则切换
        if ((params.dataIndex == 5 || params.dataIndex == 11) && that.echartR3Fd) {
          that.echartR3Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = option.dataZoom[0].endValue + 6
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = option.dataZoom[0].startValue + 6
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartR3Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 7900);
          // 如果是17表示到了最后一个,那么重新来一遍
        } else if (params.dataIndex == 17 && that.echartR3Fd) {
          that.echartR3Fd = false
          setTimeout(() => {
            option.dataZoom[0].endValue = 0
            option.dataZoom[0].startValue = 5
            // 防止勿刷新做的防抖
            setTimeout(() => {
              that.echartR3Fd = true
            }, 2000)
          }, 7900)
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          formatter: data => {
            return `${data[0].name}<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[0].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[0].seriesName}:${data[0].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[1].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[1].seriesName}:${data[1].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[2].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[2].seriesName}:${data[2].value}亿`
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: {
            // type: 'cross',',
          position: (params) => {
            return [params[0] + 10, 60]
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            start: 1,
            end: 100,
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        grid: {
          top: '25%',
          right: '3%',
          left: '10%',
          bottom: '20%',
        legend: {
          data: ["低风险", "中风险", '高风险'],
          x: 'center',
          y: '15px',
          textStyle: {
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        xAxis: {
          data: right4.map(item => item.name),
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
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              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
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            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
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        yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            name: '亿元',
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)',
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
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                color: '#68b4dd66',
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              color: '#fff',
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        series: [
            name: '高风险',
            type: 'bar',
            stack: 'Ad',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#b84b4b',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#b84b4b',
            data: right6.map(item => item.value),
            name: '中风险',
            type: 'bar',
            stack: 'Ad',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#cea446',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#cea446',
            data: right6.map(item => item.value2),
            name: '低风险',
            type: 'bar',
            stack: 'Ad',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#2a7652',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#2a7652',
            data: right6.map(item => item.value3),
      tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
        interval: 8000,
        loopSeries: true,
    initChartR4 () {
      this.echartR4Chart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartR4'])
      option = {
        title: {
          text: ''
        radar: {
          center: ['50%', '50%'],
          radius: 135,
          indicator: [
            { name: '安全风险', max: 100000 },
            { name: '付款风险', max: 100000 },
            { name: '合同风险', max: 100000 },
            { name: '结算风险', max: 100000 },
            { name: '进度风险', max: 100000 },
            { name: '质量风险', max: 100000 },
          axisLine: {  // 设置雷达图中间射线的颜色
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#887d33',
          splitLine: { //网格颜色设置
            show: true,
            lineStyle: {
              width: 1,
              color: ['#871b1a', '#638f41', '#d29e35', '#b6802b']
          name: { //修改indicator文字的颜色
            textStyle: {
              color: "#fff",
              fontSize: '20',
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
          splitNumber: 4, //有几个圈
          splitArea: {  //设置图表颜色,show的值为true
            show: true,
            areaStyle: {
              // color:"#c1ddf8", //一般设置方式
              //设置渐变背景色 new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(a,b,c,d,arr)
              //a ,b,c,d值可为0,1 a:1表示arr中的颜色右到左;c:1 arr中的颜色左到右
              // color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0, [
              //   { offset: 0, color: '#887D33' }, // 0% 处的颜色 
              //   { offset: 0.75, color: '#7D4216' }, // 0% 处的颜色 
              //   { offset: 1, color: '#430705' }// 100% 处的颜色
              // ], false)
              color: ['#638f41', '#887d33', '#7d4216', '#430705'],
        series: [
            name: '',
            type: 'radar',
            symbol: 'circle', // 单个数值点的样式,还可以取值'rect','angle'等
            symbolSize: 0, // 数值点的大小
            data: [
                value: right7[0],
                name: '安全风险',
                itemStyle: { //该数值区域样式设置
                  normal: {
                    color: 'rgb(44,198,255,0.8)', //背景颜色,还需设置areaStyle
                    lineStyle: {
                      color: 'rgb(44,198,255,0.8)', //边框颜色
                label: {  //显示value中具体的数值
                  normal: {
                    show: false,
                    textStyle: {  //更改数值样式
                      color: '#43EDE3'
                areaStyle: { //设置区域背景颜色透明度
                  normal: {
                    width: 1,
                    opacity: 0.8,
      // tools.loopShowTooltip(myChart, option, {
      //   interval: 2000,
      //   loopSeries: true,
      // });
    initChartR5 () {
      this.echartR5Chart = echarts.init(this.$refs['echartR5'])
      let option = {
        tooltip: {
          formatter: data => {
            return `${data[0].name}<br /><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[0].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[0].seriesName}:${data[0].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[1].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[1].seriesName}:${data[1].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[2].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[2].seriesName}:${data[2].value}亿<br/><span style="display:inline-block;border-radius:50%; width:7px;height:7px;background-color:${data[3].color.colorStops[0].color}"></span> ${data[3].seriesName}:${data[3].value}亿`
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: {
            // type: 'cross',',
          textStyle: {
            color: '#FFF',     // 文字的颜色
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        grid: {
          top: '15%',
          right: '3%',
          left: '5%',
          bottom: '35',
        legend: {
          data: ["预算额", "合同额", "结算额", "支付额"],
          x: 'center',
          y: '10px',
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        xAxis: {
          data: ['设备费', '设计费', '施工费', '材料费'],
          axisLine: {
            show: true, //隐藏X轴轴线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#005094',
              width: 1,
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            show: false, //隐藏X轴刻度
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            show: true,
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            textStyle: {
              color: '#fff',//'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', //X轴文字颜色
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              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            name: '亿元',
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)',
            splitLine: {
              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#68b4dd66',
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              show: true,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#3D7495',
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              show: true,
              textStyle: {
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                fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
            nameTextStyle: {
              color: '#fff',
              fontSize: 20,
              fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
        series: [
            name: '预算额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#74a55d',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right8.map(item => item.value),
            name: '合同额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#cea446',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right8.map(item => item.value2),
            name: '结算额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#b84b4b',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right8.map(item => item.value3),
            name: '支付额',
            type: 'bar',
            barWidth: 10,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                    offset: 0,
                    color: '#5593ab',
                    offset: 1,
                    color: '#082550',
            data: right8.map(item => item.value4),
      tools.loopShowTooltip(this.echartR5Chart, option, {
        interval: 2000,
        loopSeries: true,