humanResources.js 125 KB

  1. Vue.use(scroll)
  2. let app = new Vue({
  3. el: "#app",
  4. data() {
  5. return {
  6. title: "人才中心双选服务平台",
  7. treeList: [{
  8. name: "岗位发布",
  9. flag: true,
  10. src: "./images/humanResources/post.png",
  11. onSrc: "./images/humanResources/post_on.png",
  12. style: {
  13. top: "65%",
  14. left: "13%",
  15. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/icon_bg_blue.png)"
  16. },
  17. onStyle: {
  18. top: "65%",
  19. left: "13%",
  20. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/iconBg_yellow.png)"
  21. }
  22. },
  23. {
  24. name: "自主报名",
  25. flag: false,
  26. src: "./images/humanResources/notes.png",
  27. onSrc: "./images/humanResources/notes_on.png",
  28. style: {
  29. top: "30%",
  30. left: "22%",
  31. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/icon_bg_blue.png)"
  32. },
  33. onStyle: {
  34. top: "30%",
  35. left: "22%",
  36. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/iconBg_yellow.png)"
  37. }
  38. },
  39. {
  40. name: "资格审查",
  41. flag: false,
  42. src: "./images/humanResources/qualification.png",
  43. onSrc: "./images/humanResources/qualification_on.png",
  44. style: {
  45. top: "125px",
  46. left: "calc(50% - 202px)",
  47. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/icon_bg_blue.png)"
  48. },
  49. onStyle: {
  50. top: "125px",
  51. left: "calc(50% - 202px)",
  52. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/iconBg_yellow.png)"
  53. }
  54. },
  55. {
  56. name: "综合测评",
  57. flag: false,
  58. src: "./images/humanResources/comprehensive.png",
  59. onSrc: "./images/humanResources/comprehensive_on.png",
  60. style: {
  61. top: "30%",
  62. right: "22%",
  63. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/icon_bg_blue.png)"
  64. },
  65. onStyle: {
  66. top: "30%",
  67. right: "22%",
  68. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/iconBg_yellow.png)"
  69. }
  70. },
  71. {
  72. name: "录用公示",
  73. flag: false,
  74. src: "./images/humanResources/publicity.png",
  75. onSrc: "./images/humanResources/publicity_on.png",
  76. style: {
  77. top: "65%",
  78. right: "13%",
  79. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/icon_bg_blue.png)"
  80. },
  81. onStyle: {
  82. top: "65%",
  83. right: "13%",
  84. backgroundImage: "url(./images/humanResources/iconBg_yellow.png)"
  85. }
  86. },
  87. ],
  88. treeIndex: 0,
  89. rollFlag: true,
  90. config1: {
  91. waitTime: 7300,
  92. header: ["双选单位", "双选岗位", "双选人数", "报名人数", "发布时间"],
  93. headerHeight: 55,
  94. columnWidth: [230, 170],
  95. rowNum: 10,
  96. data: [
  97. ["西山煤电屯兰矿", '井下普工', '50', '100', "2023.07.01"],
  98. ["西山煤电斜沟煤矿", '井下钻探工', '10', '30', "2023.07.01"],
  99. ["汾西矿业高阳煤矿", '井下安全检查员', '5', '10', "2023.07.01"],
  100. ["汾西矿业柳湾煤矿", '井下设备管理员', '10', '50', "2023.07.01"],
  101. ["霍州煤电辛置煤矿", '矿井维修电工', '10', '30', "2023.07.01"],
  102. ["霍州煤电恒兴煤业", '生产调度员', '4', '10', "2023.07.01"],
  103. ["霍州煤电吕梁山煤电公司", '汽车驾驶员', '5', '10', "2023.07.01"],
  104. ["山煤国际凌志达煤业", '电工', '5', '16', "2023.07.01"],
  105. ["华晋焦煤沙曲一号煤矿", '井下普工', '40', '120', "2023.07.01"],
  106. ["山西焦化", '技术员', '2', '12', "2023.07.01"],
  107. ["汾西矿业高阳煤矿", '井下安全检查员', '5', '10', "2023.07.01"],
  108. ],
  109. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  110. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  111. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  112. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  113. hoverPause: false,
  114. },
  115. configIndex: 1,
  116. config2: {
  117. waitTime: 2000,
  118. header: ["序号", "单位名称", "双选岗位数"],
  119. headerHeight: 55,
  120. rowNum: 5,
  121. data: [
  122. // ["<span class='yellow'>01</span>", "<span class='yellow'>西山煤电</span>", "<span class='yellow'>30个</span>"],
  123. // ["<span class='red'>02</span>", "<span class='red'>山煤国际</span>", "<span class='red'>25个</span>"],
  124. // ["<span class='green'>03</span>", "<span class='green'>汾西矿业</span>", "<span class='green'>20个</span>"],
  125. // ["04", "汾西矿业", "10个"],
  126. // ["05", "汾西矿业", "8个"],
  127. // ["<span class='yellow'>01</span>", "<span class='yellow'>西山煤电</span>", "<span class='yellow'>30个</span>"],
  128. // ["<span class='red'>02</span>", "<span class='red'>山煤国际</span>", "<span class='red'>25个</span>"],
  129. // ["<span class='green'>03</span>", "<span class='green'>汾西矿业</span>", "<span class='green'>20个</span>"],
  130. // ["06", "汾西矿业", "4个"],
  131. // ["07", "山煤国际", "4个"],
  132. ],
  133. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  134. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  135. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  136. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  137. carousel: 'page'
  138. },
  139. targetIndex: 0,
  140. classChange: false,
  141. listData: [{
  142. 'title': '无缝滚动第一行无缝滚动第一行',
  143. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  144. }, {
  145. 'title': '无缝滚动第二行无缝滚动第二行',
  146. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  147. }, {
  148. 'title': '无缝滚动第三行无缝滚动第三行',
  149. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  150. }, {
  151. 'title': '无缝滚动第四行无缝滚动第四行',
  152. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  153. }, {
  154. 'title': '无缝滚动第五行无缝滚动第五行',
  155. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  156. }, {
  157. 'title': '无缝滚动第六行无缝滚动第六行',
  158. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  159. }, {
  160. 'title': '无缝滚动第七行无缝滚动第七行',
  161. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  162. }, {
  163. 'title': '无缝滚动第八行无缝滚动第八行',
  164. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  165. }, {
  166. 'title': '无缝滚动第九行无缝滚动第九行',
  167. 'date': '2017-12-16'
  168. }],
  169. classOption: {
  170. step: 2
  171. },
  172. configMark: {
  173. waitTime: 2000,
  174. header: ["头像", "姓名", "报名岗位", "时间"],
  175. rowNum: 6,
  176. headerHeight: 55,
  177. columnWidth: [120],
  178. data: [
  179. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/1.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>程嘉鑫</span>", "<span class=''>技术员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.29</span>"],
  180. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/2.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>池富婕</span>", "<span class=''>生产调度员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.26</span>"],
  181. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/3.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>邓文奇</span>", "<span class=''>井下钻探工</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.18</span>"],
  182. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/4.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>翟世佳</span>", "<span class=''>井下钻探工</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.11</span>"],
  183. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/5.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>丁一帆</span>", "<span class=''>生产调度员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.08</span>"],
  184. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/6.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>董明霞</span>", "<span class=''>生产调度员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.01</span>"],
  185. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/7.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>杜沛宣</span>", "<span class=''>技术员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.06.29</span>"],
  186. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/8.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>樊宇浩</span>", "<span class=''>技术员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.29</span>"],
  187. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/9.jpg' alt=''>", "<span class=''>冯凯</span>", "<span class=''>井下钻探工</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.26</span>"],
  188. ["<img class='list_img' src='./images/header/10.png' alt=''>", "<span class=''>耿越</span>", "<span class=''>生产调度员</span>", "<span class=''>2023.07.18</span>"],
  189. ],
  190. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  191. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  192. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  193. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  194. },
  195. configInterview: {
  196. waitTime: 2000,
  197. header: ["序号", "姓名", "地点", "双选单位", "时间"],
  198. headerHeight: 55,
  199. columnWidth: [90, 120, 170, 200],
  200. rowNum: 6,
  201. data: [
  202. ["01", '陈英', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.18 09:30-10:30"],
  203. ["02", '李小曼', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.18 09:30-10:30"],
  204. ["03", '王亮', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.18 09:30-10:30"],
  205. ["04", '李鑫', '洽谈室1', '高阳煤矿', "2023.08.18 09:30-10:30"],
  206. ["05", '王杰', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.18 09:30-10:30"],
  207. ["06", '张强', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.18 09:30-10:30"],
  208. ["07", '王强', '洽谈室1', '高阳煤矿', "2023.08.19 09:30-10:30"],
  209. ["08", '程丽', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.19 09:30-10:30"],
  210. ["09", '韩赢', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.19 09:30-10:30"],
  211. ["10", '王丽', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.19 09:30-10:30"],
  212. ],
  213. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  214. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  215. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  216. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  217. },
  218. configWritten: {
  219. waitTime: 2000,
  220. header: ["序号", "姓名", "地点", "双选单位", "时间"],
  221. headerHeight: 55,
  222. columnWidth: [90, 120, 170, 200],
  223. rowNum: 6,
  224. data: [
  225. ["01", '李志桐', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.22 09:30-10:30"],
  226. ["02", '赵建国', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.22 09:30-10:30"],
  227. ["03", '张耀杰', '洽谈室1', '高阳煤矿', "2023.08.22 09:30-10:30"],
  228. ["04", '崔诚', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.22 09:30-10:30"],
  229. ["05", '陈灵均', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.22 09:30-10:30"],
  230. ["06", '杜勇', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.23 09:30-10:30"],
  231. ["07", '李灵风', '洽谈室1', '高阳煤矿', "2023.08.23 09:30-10:30"],
  232. ["08", '卢晨', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.23 09:30-10:30"],
  233. ["08", '韩玉树', '洽谈室1', '柳湾煤矿', "2023.08.23 09:30-10:30"],
  234. ["09", '王杰', '洽谈室1', '杜儿坪矿', "2023.08.23 09:30-10:30"],
  235. ],
  236. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  237. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  238. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  239. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  240. },
  241. mainList: [{
  242. name: "双选场次",
  243. value: 29,
  244. unit: "场",
  245. icon: "./images/humanResources/times.png"
  246. },
  247. {
  248. name: "参与人数",
  249. value: 2957,
  250. unit: "人",
  251. icon: "./images/humanResources/user.png"
  252. }
  253. ],
  254. employmentList1: {
  255. waitTime: 2000,
  256. header: ["序号", "姓名", "性别", "身份证号", "拟录用单位"],
  257. rowNum: 5,
  258. headerHeight: 55,
  259. columnWidth: [100, 140, 100, 280],
  260. data: [],
  261. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  262. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  263. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  264. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  265. hoverPause: false,
  266. },
  267. employmentList2: {
  268. waitTime: 2000,
  269. header: ["序号", "姓名", "性别", "身份证号", "拟录用单位"],
  270. rowNum: 5,
  271. headerHeight: 55,
  272. columnWidth: [100, 140, 100, 280],
  273. data: [],
  274. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  275. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  276. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  277. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  278. hoverPause: false,
  279. },
  280. employmentList3: {
  281. waitTime: 2000,
  282. header: ["序号", "姓名", "性别", "身份证号", "拟录用单位"],
  283. rowNum: 5,
  284. headerHeight: 55,
  285. columnWidth: [100, 140, 100, 280],
  286. data: [],
  287. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  288. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  289. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  290. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  291. hoverPause: false,
  292. },
  293. typeList: {
  294. waitTime: 2000,
  295. header: ["单位名称", "岗位名称", "报名人数"],
  296. rowNum: 6,
  297. headerHeight: 55,
  298. columnWidth: [100, 200, 400,],
  299. data: [
  300. ["汾西矿业", "综合管理岗", "40"],
  301. ["西山煤电", "综合管理岗", "35"],
  302. ["西山煤电", "财务管理岗", "30"],
  303. ["汾西矿业", "综合管理岗", "25"],
  304. ["西山煤电", "综合管理岗", "20"],
  305. ["西山煤电", "财务管理岗", "15"],
  306. ["汾西矿业", "综合管理岗", "10"],
  307. ],
  308. align: ["center", "center", "center", "center", "center"],
  309. index: true,
  310. headerBGC: "#69c1ff2d",
  311. oddRowBGC: "rgba(105, 193, 255, 0)",
  312. evenRowBGC: "#69c1ff21",
  313. hoverPause: false,
  314. },
  315. vitaEcharts: null,
  316. newList: [],
  317. allTimeList: [],
  318. showMark: false,
  319. showSelect: false,
  320. showMonth: false,
  321. monthList,
  322. monthItem: "08",
  323. timeList1: ["2022-08", "2023-08"],
  324. timeList2: ["2022-08", "2023-08"],
  325. from: "",
  326. type: 0,
  327. echartsIndex: 1,
  328. downholeFlag: true,
  329. markStyle: {
  330. bottom: "4%",
  331. right: "5%"
  332. },
  333. rightList: [{
  334. name: "当前数",
  335. flag: true,
  336. num1: 292,
  337. num2: 248,
  338. num3: "85%",
  339. }, {
  340. name: "累计数",
  341. flag: false,
  342. num1: 571,
  343. num2: 492,
  344. num3: "84%",
  345. }],
  346. rightIndex: 0,
  347. leftList: [{
  348. name: "双选岗位",
  349. flag: true
  350. }, {
  351. name: "双选岗位类别",
  352. flag: false
  353. }],
  354. leftIndex: 0,
  355. roseEcharts: null,
  356. leftFlag: true,
  357. rollTitle: "西山煤电屯兰矿井下普工工双选公告",
  358. leftTime: null,
  359. rightTime: null,
  360. recruitInfoList: [],
  361. recruitInfoIndex: 0,
  362. vitaData: {
  363. x: ['4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月'],
  364. y: [56, 32, 64, 81, 43, 13]
  365. },
  366. isChangeList: false,
  367. imageList: ["./images/humanResources/ppt1.jpg", "", ""],
  368. imageIndex: 0,
  369. imageFlag: false,
  370. pageFlag: true,
  371. hecharts: null,
  372. leftErrorList: ["信息不完整", "信息有误", "任职条件不符", "出勤不足", "工作年限不符"],
  373. isShowList: true,
  374. isListEnd: 0,
  375. address: "西山煤电屯兰矿。",
  376. interviewIndex: 0,
  377. examinationIndex: 0,
  378. showInterview: true, // 面试
  379. showExamination: true, //笔试
  380. noticeList: [],
  381. noticeIndex: 0,
  382. isShowInfoList: false,
  383. recruitTypeMax: 0,
  384. recruitTypeList: [],
  385. showBigList: true,
  386. rightData: [],
  387. noticIndex: 0,
  388. noticList: [],
  389. noticTime: null,
  390. configDataIndex: 1,
  391. itemClass: "item_content_6_false",
  392. dataFlag: true,
  393. lineRight1: null,
  394. lineRight2: null,
  395. lineRight3: null,
  396. lineRight4: null,
  397. lineRight5: null,
  398. listChange: null,
  399. mianshiTime: null,
  400. bishiTime: null,
  401. }
  402. },
  403. beforeCreate() {
  404. // 跳转地址
  405. let AddUrl = location.protocol + "//" + + "/ierp"
  406. return
  407. if (! {
  408. // alert("链接已失效,请重新打开")
  409. window.location.href = AddUrl
  410. }
  411. let arr ="&")
  412. let dataList = []
  413. arr.forEach(item => {
  414. dataList.push(item.split("=")[1])
  415. })
  416. window.user = dataList[0]
  417. let newDate = new Date().getTime()
  418. let authorityType = window.sessionStorage.getItem("authorityType") || false
  419. if (!authorityType) {
  420. if (newDate - parseInt(dataList[1]) < 30000) {
  421. // alert("链接已失效,请重新打开")
  422. window.location.href = AddUrl
  423. }
  424. window.sessionStorage.setItem("authorityType", true)
  425. }
  426. },
  427. beforeDestroy() {
  428. window.sessionStorage.removeItem("authorityType")
  429. },
  430. created() {
  431. let date = new Date()
  432. let year = date.getFullYear()
  433. let month
  434. if (date.getMonth() - 1 < 10) {
  435. month = "0" + (date.getMonth() - 1)
  436. this.timeList1 = [year + "-" + month, year + "-" + date.getMonth()]
  437. this.timeList2 = [year + "-" + month, year + "-" + date.getMonth()]
  438. } else {
  439. month = date.getMonth()
  440. this.timeList1 = [year + "-" + (month - 1), year + "-" + date.getMonth()]
  441. this.timeList2 = [year + "-" + (month - 1), year + "-" + date.getMonth()]
  442. }
  443. this.newList = listToChange(yearList, monthList)
  444. = employmentList
  445. if (employmentList.length % 2 != 0) {
  446. employmentList.push([])
  447. }
  448. employmentList.forEach((item, index) => {
  449. if (index % 2 == 0) {
  451. } else {
  453. }
  454. })
  455. this.keyDown()
  456. },
  457. watch: {
  458. imageIndex() {
  459. let that = this
  460. if (this.imageIndex == this.imageList.length) {
  461. that.downhole.dispose()
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  466. let vita = that.$refs.vita
  467. that.initVitaEcharts(vita)
  468. })
  469. this.imageIndex = 0
  470. this.imageFlag = false
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  472. },
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  493. // = "#E1AF27"
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  499. item.flag = false
  500. })
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  502. that.treeIndex = 0
  503. } else {
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  505. }
  506. that.treeList[that.treeIndex].flag = true
  507. }, 5000)
  508. // setInterval(()=>{
  509. // if(that.configIndex > - 1){
  510. // that.configIndex = 0
  511. // return
  512. // } else {
  513. // that.configIndex = that.configIndex + 1
  514. // return
  515. // }
  516. // },5000)
  517. })
  518. this.leftTime = setInterval(() => {
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  521. if (item.flag) {
  522. if (index == 0) {
  523. that.leftFlag = true
  524. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  525. that.getPositionAll()
  526. } else {
  527. that.leftFlag = false
  528. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  529. that.getRecruitType()
  530. setTimeout(() => {
  531. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  532. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  533. })
  534. }
  535. }
  536. })
  537. }, 15000)
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  541. if (item.flag) {
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  543. }
  544. })
  545. }, 5000)
  546. localEnvAppToken().then(res => {
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  548. getLocalEnvAccessToken().then(res => {
  549. localStorage.setItem("access_token", res.access_token)
  550. that.getPlayers()
  551. that.getPostDetail()
  552. that.getHalfYearDelivcv()
  553. that.getHotDelivcv()
  554. that.arrToListArr()
  555. that.getDelivcvAndApply()
  556. that.getRecruitType()
  557. that.getFailReason()
  558. that.getQualAudits()
  559. that.getNoticePerson()
  560. that.getNotice()
  561. that.getDoubleChoice()
  562. that.getPositionAll()
  563. that.getTotalRate()
  564. })
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  571. this.initLineRight(rightOne, { value: 18, total: 44 })
  572. let rightTwo = this.$refs.rightTwo
  573. this.initLineRight(rightTwo, { value: 11, total: 44 })
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  575. this.initLineRight(rightThree, { value: 9, total: 44 })
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  577. this.initLineRight(rightFour, { value: 4, total: 44 })
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  588. = "#E1AF27"
  589. }
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  593. methods: {
  594. handleClickIcon(item, index) {
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  597. if (that.showBigList) {
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  599. that.configWritten.rowNum = 10
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  603. that.configWritten.columnWidth = []
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  605. that.employmentList3.columnWidth = []
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  619. that.configWritten.columnWidth = [90, 120, 170, 200]
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  621. that.leftList = [{
  622. name: "双选岗位",
  623. flag: true
  624. }, {
  625. name: "双选岗位类别",
  626. flag: false
  627. }]
  628. setTimeout(() => {
  629. that.showBigList = true
  630. that.leftTime = setInterval(() => {
  631. that.leftList.forEach((item, index) => {
  632. item.flag = !item.flag
  633. if (item.flag) {
  634. if (index == 0) {
  635. that.leftFlag = true
  636. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  637. that.getPositionAll()
  638. } else {
  639. that.leftFlag = false
  640. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  641. that.getRecruitType()
  642. setTimeout(() => {
  643. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  644. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  645. })
  646. }
  647. }
  648. })
  649. }, 15000)
  650. }, 10)
  651. }
  652. setTimeout(() => {
  653. if (that.showBigList) {
  654. let total = 0
  655. that.rightData.forEach(item => {
  656. total = total + item.value
  657. })
  658. return new Promise(() => {
  659. that.getFailReason()
  660. that.getHalfYearDelivcv()
  661. })
  662. }
  663. }, 15)
  664. } else {
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  669. item.flag = !item.flag
  670. if (item.flag) {
  671. if (index == 0) {
  672. that.leftFlag = true
  673. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  674. that.getPositionAll()
  675. } else {
  676. that.leftFlag = false
  677. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  678. that.getRecruitType()
  679. setTimeout(() => {
  680. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  681. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  682. })
  683. }
  684. }
  685. })
  686. }, 15000)
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  688. that.rightTime = setInterval(() => {
  689. that.rightList.forEach((item, index) => {
  690. item.flag = !item.flag
  691. if (item.flag) {
  692. that.rightIndex = index
  693. }
  694. })
  695. }, 5000)
  696. that.getPlayers()
  697. that.getPostDetail()
  698. that.getHalfYearDelivcv()
  699. that.getHotDelivcv()
  700. that.arrToListArr()
  701. that.getDelivcvAndApply()
  702. that.getRecruitType()
  703. that.getFailReason()
  704. that.getQualAudits()
  705. that.getNoticePerson()
  706. that.getNotice()
  707. that.getDoubleChoice()
  708. that.getPositionAll()
  709. that.getTotalRate()
  710. }
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  761. initDownholeEcharts(el, data) {
  762. if (this.downhole) {
  763. this.downhole.dispose()
  764. }
  765. this.downhole = echarts.init(el);
  766. let series = []
  767. let grid = {
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  769. bottom: 50, //也可设置left和right设置距离来控制图表的大小
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  771. right: "1%"
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  773. option = {
  774. tooltip: {
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  786. },
  787. grid,
  788. legend: {
  789. data: ["双选人数", "报名人数", "录用人数"],
  790. align: 'left',
  791. itemGap: 50,
  792. right: 500,
  793. y: '2%',
  794. icon: 'rect',
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  809. show: true,
  810. fontSize: 30,
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  813. },
  814. },
  815. data: data.x,
  816. },
  817. yAxis: {
  818. type: "value",
  819. name: "人",
  820. gridIndex: 0,
  821. // splitNumber: 4,
  822. splitLine: {
  823. show: false,
  824. lineStyle: {
  825. color: '#A3C0DF',
  826. width: 1
  827. },
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  844. fontSize: 28,
  845. textStyle: {
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  847. }
  848. },
  849. },
  850. series: [{
  851. type: 'bar',
  852. name: "双选人数",
  853. barWidth: 26,
  854. itemStyle: {
  855. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0, [{
  856. offset: 1,
  857. color: '#40A9FF',
  858. },
  859. {
  860. offset: 0,
  861. color: '#082049',
  862. },
  863. ]),
  864. },
  865. data: data.y1,
  866. }, {
  867. type: 'bar',
  868. name: "报名人数",
  869. barWidth: 26,
  870. itemStyle: {
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  872. offset: 1,
  873. color: '#EAE179',
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  875. {
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  877. color: '#082049',
  878. },
  879. ]),
  880. },
  881. data: data.y2,
  882. }, {
  883. type: 'bar',
  884. name: "录用人数",
  885. barWidth: 26,
  886. itemStyle: {
  887. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0, [{
  888. offset: 1,
  889. color: '#6A83FF',
  890. },
  891. {
  892. offset: 0,
  893. color: '#082049',
  894. },
  895. ]),
  896. },
  897. data: data.y3,
  898. }]
  899. };
  900. this.downhole.setOption(option);
  901. tools.loopShowTooltip(this.downhole, option, {
  902. nterval: 2000,
  903. loopSeries: true,
  904. });
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  910. if (listIndex >= {
  911. listIndex = index - 11
  912. }
  913. this.recruitInfoIndex = listIndex
  914. this.address =[listIndex][0] + "。"
  915. this.rollTitle =[listIndex][0] +[listIndex][1] + "双选公告"
  916. setTimeout(() => {
  917. this.rollFlag = true
  918. })
  919. },
  920. initRightCycle(el, data) {
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  925. text: getvalue + '%',
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  928. fontSize: 20
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  933. },
  934. // tooltip: {
  935. // formatter: function (params) {
  936. // return '<span style="color: #fff;">综合得分:' + getvalue + '分</span>';
  937. // }
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  940. max: 100,
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  1023. },
  1024. ],
  1025. false
  1026. ),
  1027. },
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  1032., index) => {
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  1048. category.forEach((value) => {
  1049. datas.push(value.value);
  1050. });
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  1148. symbolBoundingData: total,
  1149. data: [total, total, total, total],
  1150. z: 2,
  1151. animationEasing: "elasticOut",
  1152. },
  1153. {
  1154. // label
  1155. type: "pictorialBar",
  1156. symbolBoundingData: total,
  1157. itemStyle: {
  1158. normal: {
  1159. color: "none",
  1160. },
  1161. },
  1162. label: {
  1163. normal: {
  1164. formatter: (params) => {
  1165. var text;
  1166. if (total == 0) {
  1167. text = `0 人 | 0%`;
  1168. return text
  1169. }
  1170. if (params.value >= 10) {
  1171. if (((params.value / total) * 100).toFixed(0) < 10) {
  1172. text = `${(" " + params.value)}人 | ${(((params.value) / total) * 100).toFixed(0)}%`;
  1173. } else {
  1174. text = `${(params.value)}人 | ${(((params.value) / total) * 100).toFixed(0)}%`;
  1175. }
  1176. } else {
  1177. text = `${(" " + params.value)}人 | ${(((params.value) / total) * 100).toFixed(0)}%`;
  1178. }
  1179. return text;
  1180. },
  1181. textStyle: {
  1182. // 图列内容样式
  1183. fontSize: "30",
  1184. fontWeight: 800,
  1185. },
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  1187. offset: [0, -3],
  1188. distance: 10, // 向右偏移位置
  1189. show: true,
  1190. color: "#FFF",
  1191. },
  1192. },
  1193. data: datas,
  1194. z: 0,
  1195. },
  1196. {
  1197. name: "外框",
  1198. type: "bar",
  1199. barGap: "-130%", // 设置外框粗细
  1200. data: totalBorderList,
  1201. barWidth: 26,
  1202. itemStyle: {
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  1204. // barBorderRadius: [5, 5, 5, 5],
  1205. borderWidth: 1, // 边框宽度
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  1207. color: "rgb(231,238,249)",
  1208. },
  1209. },
  1210. z: 0,
  1211. },
  1212. ],
  1213. };
  1214. //轮播
  1215. // tools.loopShowTooltip(leftEcharts1, option, {
  1216. // interval: 2000,
  1217. // loopSeries: true,
  1218. // });
  1219. //注册
  1220. if (type) {
  1221. that[type].setOption(option);
  1222. } else {
  1223. myChart.setOption(option);
  1224. }
  1225. },
  1226. initVitaEcharts(el, data) {
  1227. let that = this;
  1228. if (this.vitaEcharts) {
  1229. this.vitaEcharts.dispose()
  1230. }
  1231. this.vitaEcharts = echarts.init(el)
  1232. let dataList = [...that.vitaData.y]
  1233. let max = dataList.sort(function (a, b) {
  1234. return b - a
  1235. })[0]
  1236. let maxList = []
  1237. this.vitaData.x.forEach(item => {
  1238. maxList.push(max)
  1239. })
  1240. option = {
  1241. tooltip: {
  1242. show: true,
  1243. backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)',
  1244. borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
  1245. trigger: 'axis',
  1246. textStyle: {
  1247. fontSize: 30,
  1248. color: '#A3E2F4'
  1249. },
  1250. axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
  1251. type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
  1252. },
  1253. formatter: "{a} : {c}人"
  1254. },
  1255. animation: true,
  1256. grid: {
  1257. top: "12%",
  1258. bottom: "8%",
  1259. right: "2%"
  1260. },
  1261. xAxis: {
  1262. data: that.vitaData.x,
  1263. axisLine: {
  1264. show: false //隐藏X轴轴线
  1265. },
  1266. axisTick: {
  1267. show: false //隐藏X轴轴线
  1268. },
  1269. splitLine: {
  1270. show: false,
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  1272. color: "rgba(77, 128, 254, 0.2)",
  1273. width: 2
  1274. }
  1275. },
  1276. axisLabel: {
  1277. show: true,
  1278. interval: 0,
  1279. fontSize: 24,
  1280. textStyle: {
  1281. color: "#fff" //X轴文字颜色
  1282. }
  1283. }
  1284. },
  1285. yAxis: [{
  1286. name: "报名/人",
  1287. type: "value",
  1288. gridIndex: 0,
  1289. min: 0,
  1290. max: 100,
  1291. interval: 25,
  1292. // splitNumber: 4,
  1293. splitLine: {
  1294. show: false,
  1295. lineStyle: {
  1296. color: "rgba(77, 128, 254, 0.2)",
  1297. width: 2
  1298. }
  1299. },
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  1302. },
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  1306. },
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  1308. show: false,
  1309. lineStyle: {
  1310. color: "rgba(77, 128, 254, 0.2)"
  1311. }
  1312. },
  1313. axisLabel: {
  1314. show: true,
  1315. margin: 14,
  1316. fontSize: 26,
  1317. textStyle: {
  1318. color: "#65D5FF"
  1319. }
  1320. }
  1321. }],
  1322. series: [{
  1323. name: "报名人数",
  1324. type: "bar",
  1325. barWidth: 16,
  1326. itemStyle: {
  1327. normal: {
  1328. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
  1329. offset: 1,
  1330. color: "#004E8E"
  1331. },
  1332. {
  1333. offset: 0,
  1334. color: "#40A9FF"
  1335. }
  1336. ])
  1337. }
  1338. },
  1339. data: that.vitaData.y,
  1340. z: 10,
  1341. zlevel: 0
  1342. },
  1343. {
  1344. // 分隔
  1345. type: "pictorialBar",
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  1359. width: 2,
  1360. z: 0,
  1361. zlevel: 1
  1362. },
  1363. {
  1364. name: "外框",
  1365. type: "bar",
  1366. barGap: "-110%", // 设置外框粗细
  1367. data: maxList,
  1368. barWidth: 16,
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  1371. color: "transparent", // 填充色
  1372. // barBorderRadius: 0, //圆角半径
  1373. label: {
  1374. // 标签显示位置
  1375. show: false,
  1376. position: "top" // insideTop 或者横向的 insideLeft
  1377. }
  1378. }
  1379. },
  1380. z: 0
  1381. },
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  1383. name: "背影",
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  1385. smooth: true, //平滑曲线显示
  1386. showAllSymbol: false, //显示所有图形。
  1387. symbolSize: 0,
  1388. lineStyle: {
  1389. width: 0
  1390. },
  1391. areaStyle: {
  1392. color: "rgba(0, 151, 251, 0.1)"
  1393. },
  1394. data: that.vitaData.y,
  1395. z: 5
  1396. }
  1397. ],
  1398. dataZoom: [{
  1399. type: "slider",
  1400. show: false,
  1401. xAxisIndex: [0],
  1402. endValue: 12,
  1403. startValue: 0
  1404. }]
  1405. }
  1406. this.vitaEcharts.setOption(option)
  1407. tools.loopShowTooltip(this.vitaEcharts, option, {
  1408. nterval: 2000,
  1409. loopSeries: true,
  1410. });
  1411. },
  1412. initRoseEcharts(el, myData = {
  1413. number: ['10', '13', '20'],
  1414. titlename: ["地面", "辅助", "一线"],
  1415. }) {
  1416. this.roseEcharts = echarts.init(el)
  1417. var colorArr = ["#218de0", "#01cbb3", "#85e647", "#5d5cda", "#f6d54a", "#f845f1"];
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  1421. polarradius: '60%',
  1422. pieradius: '60%',
  1423. length1: 10,
  1424. length2: 55,
  1425. };
  1426. var data = [];
  1427. var total = 0;
  1428. for (var i = 0; i < myData.number.length; i++) {
  1429. total += (Number)(myData.number[i]);
  1430. }
  1431. for (let index = 0; index < myData.titlename.length; index++) {
  1432. data.push({
  1433. value: myData.number[index],
  1434. name: myData.titlename[index],
  1435. itemStyle: {
  1436. normal: {
  1437. borderColor: colorArr[index],
  1438. borderWidth: 2,
  1439. shadowBlur: 20,
  1440. shadowColor: colorArr[index],
  1441. shadowOffsetx: 25,
  1442. shadowOffsety: 20,
  1443. color: colorAlpha[index]
  1444. }
  1445. },
  1446. label: {
  1447. normal: {
  1448. formatter: ['{b|{b}: {c}个}', '{d| {d}%}'].join('\n'), //join函数将数组中的元素用选择的分隔符拼接成一个字符串
  1449. rich: {
  1450. b: {
  1451. color: colorArr[index],
  1452. fontSize: myProperty.titlefontsize,
  1453. lineHeight: 20
  1454. },
  1455. d: {
  1456. color: '#d0fffc',
  1457. fontSize: myProperty.titlefontsize, //手动输入的字体大小
  1458. height: 50,
  1459. align: 'center', //这里是控制文本的位置 此时是居中
  1460. },
  1461. },
  1462. }
  1463. },
  1464. })
  1465. }
  1466. option = {
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  1468. left: -100,
  1469. top: 50,
  1470. bottom: 10,
  1471. right: 10,
  1472. containLabel: true
  1473. },
  1474. tooltip: {
  1475. show: true,
  1476. backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)',
  1477. borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
  1478. trigger: 'item',
  1479. textStyle: {
  1480. fontSize: 30,
  1481. color: '#A3E2F4'
  1482. },
  1483. },
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  1485. // radius: ['0%','60%'],
  1486. //radius:[0,200]
  1487. radius: myProperty.polarradius,
  1488. },
  1489. angleAxis: {
  1490. interval: 1,
  1491. type: 'category',
  1492. data: [],
  1493. z: 10,
  1494. axisLine: {
  1495. show: false,
  1496. lineStyle: {
  1497. color: "#0B4A6B",
  1498. width: 1,
  1499. type: "solid"
  1500. },
  1501. },
  1502. axisLabel: {
  1503. interval: 0,
  1504. show: true,
  1505. color: "#0B4A6B",
  1506. margin: 8,
  1507. fontSize: 16
  1508. },
  1509. },
  1510. radiusAxis: {
  1511. min: 20,
  1512. max: 120,
  1513. interval: 20,
  1514. axisLine: {
  1515. show: false,
  1516. lineStyle: {
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  1518. width: 1,
  1519. type: "solid"
  1520. },
  1521. },
  1522. axisLabel: {
  1523. formatter: '{value} %',
  1524. show: false,
  1525. padding: [0, 0, 20, 0],
  1526. color: "#0B3E5E",
  1527. fontSize: 16
  1528. },
  1529. splitLine: {
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  1535. },
  1536. },
  1537. calculable: true,
  1538. series: [{
  1539. stack: 'a',
  1540. type: 'pie',
  1541. radius: myProperty.pieradius,
  1542. roseType: 'radius',
  1543. zlevel: 10,
  1544. startAngle: 100,
  1545. labelLine: {
  1546. normal: {
  1547. show: true,
  1548. length: myProperty.length1,
  1549. length2: myProperty.length2,
  1550. lineStyle: {
  1551. color: '#0096b1'
  1552. }
  1553. },
  1554. emphasis: {
  1555. show: false
  1556. }
  1557. },
  1558. data: data,
  1559. },]
  1560. };
  1561. this.roseEcharts.setOption(option)
  1562. tools.loopShowTooltip(this.roseEcharts, option, {
  1563. nterval: 2000,
  1564. loopSeries: true,
  1565. });
  1566. },
  1567. initChartsBig(arr = [
  1568. {
  1569. name: '地面',
  1570. y: 10,
  1571. sliced: false,
  1572. selected: false,
  1573. },
  1574. {
  1575. name: '辅助',
  1576. y: 10,
  1577. sliced: false,
  1578. selected: false,
  1579. },
  1580. {
  1581. name: '一线',
  1582. y: 10,
  1583. sliced: false,
  1584. selected: false,
  1585. },
  1586. ]) {
  1587. let left5 = arr
  1588. var chartData = left5
  1589. var timer = null;
  1590. var i = 0;
  1591. let that = this
  1592. var option = {
  1593. colors: [
  1594. "#D9E1F2",
  1595. "#B4C6E7",
  1596. "#8EA9DB",
  1597. "#305496",
  1598. "#203764",
  1599. ],
  1600. chart: {
  1601. type: 'pie',
  1602. backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
  1603. options3d: {
  1604. enabled: true,
  1605. alpha: 45,
  1606. //beta: 0
  1607. },
  1608. events: {
  1609. // load,图表加载完成时触发
  1610. load: function () {
  1611. var chart = this;
  1612. var points = chart.series[0].points;
  1613. var len = points.length;
  1614. timer && clearInterval(timer);
  1615. timer = setInterval(function () {
  1616. autoTooltip(points[i]);
  1617. chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
  1618. item.sliced = false
  1619. item.selected = false
  1620. if (index == i) {
  1621. item.sliced = true
  1622. item.selected = true
  1623. }
  1624. })
  1625. chart.update({
  1626. series: [{
  1627. type: 'pie',
  1628. name: '占比',
  1629. data: chartData
  1630. }]
  1631. })
  1632. i++;
  1633. if (i === len) {
  1634. i = 0;
  1635. chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
  1636. item.sliced = false
  1637. item.selected = false
  1638. })
  1639. chart.update({
  1640. series: [{
  1641. type: 'pie',
  1642. name: '占比',
  1643. data: chartData
  1644. }]
  1645. })
  1646. }
  1647. }, 1000);
  1648. },
  1649. legendItemClick: function (event) {
  1650. return true;
  1651. }
  1652. }
  1653. },
  1654. credits: {
  1655. enabled: false //去掉hightchats水印
  1656. },
  1657. legend: {
  1658. align: 'right', //横向位置
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  1660. layout: "vertical", //横排还是竖排
  1661. x: 10,
  1662. y: 100,
  1663. symbolWidth: 30,
  1664. itemStyle: {
  1665. fontSize: '30px',
  1666. color: '#fff',
  1667. x: 20,
  1668. fontWeight: 0,
  1669. fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei'
  1670. },
  1671. },
  1672. title: {
  1673. enabled: false,
  1674. text: "",
  1675. },
  1676. tooltip: {
  1677. crosshairs: false,
  1678. trigger: "axis",
  1679. backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
  1680. borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
  1681. style: {
  1682. fontSize: 30,
  1683. color: '#A3E2F4',
  1684. fontWeight: 0,
  1685. },
  1686. axisPointer: {
  1687. lineStyle: {
  1688. color: "#ddd",
  1689. },
  1690. },
  1691. formatter: function (e) {
  1692. this.percentage = this.percentage.toFixed(2) //Math.round(this.percentage)
  1693. return `${this.key}:<b><b>${this.y}</b>(${this.percentage}%)</b></b>`
  1694. },
  1695. },
  1696. plotOptions: {
  1697. pie: {
  1698. allowPointSelect: true,
  1699. showInLegend: true, // 图例
  1700. cursor: 'pointer',
  1701. size: 350,
  1702. innerSize: 0, //环形图中间空白,0为饼图
  1703. depth: 80, //立体高度
  1704. slicedOffset: 40, //动画距离
  1705. dataLabels: {
  1706. enabled: false, // 是否展示指示线
  1707. format: '{}: {point.percentage}'
  1708. }
  1709. },
  1710. },
  1711. series: [{
  1712. type: 'pie',
  1713. name: '占比',
  1714. center: ['50%', '50%'],
  1715. point: {
  1716. events: {
  1717. mouseOver: function (e) { //鼠标移入停止轮播并且找到移入的当前数据设为选中
  1718. chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
  1719. item.sliced = false
  1720. item.selected = false
  1721. })
  1722. chartData[].sliced = true
  1723. chartData[].selected = true
  1724. chart.update({
  1725. series: [{
  1726. type: 'pie',
  1727. name: '占比',
  1728. point: {
  1729. events: {
  1730. click: function (e) {
  1731. that.showChartLTipDouble(
  1732. }
  1733. }
  1734. },
  1735. data: chartData
  1736. }]
  1737. })
  1738. timer && clearInterval(timer);
  1739. },
  1740. mouseOut: function () { // 鼠标移出后需要继续执行轮播
  1741. var points = chart.series[0].points;
  1742. var len = points.length;
  1743. timer && clearInterval(timer);
  1744. timer = setInterval(function () {
  1745. autoTooltip(points[i]);
  1746. chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
  1747. item.sliced = false
  1748. item.selected = false
  1749. if (index == i) {
  1750. item.sliced = true
  1751. item.selected = true
  1752. }
  1753. })
  1754. chart.update({
  1755. series: [{
  1756. type: 'pie',
  1757. name: '占比',
  1758. data: chartData
  1759. }]
  1760. })
  1761. i++;
  1762. if (i === len) {
  1763. i = 0;
  1764. chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
  1765. item.sliced = false
  1766. item.selected = false
  1767. })
  1768. chart.update({
  1769. series: [{
  1770. type: 'pie',
  1771. name: '占比',
  1772. data: chartData
  1773. }]
  1774. })
  1775. }
  1776. }, 2000);
  1777. }
  1778. }
  1779. },
  1780. data: chartData
  1781. }]
  1782. }
  1783. if (that.hecharts) {
  1784. that.hecharts.destroy();
  1785. }
  1786. that.hecharts = Highcharts.chart('echartL2', option);
  1787. function autoTooltip(point) {
  1788. that.hecharts.tooltip.refresh(point);
  1789. }
  1790. },
  1791. initThreeBig(el) {
  1792. let that = this
  1793. this.roseEcharts = echarts.init(el)
  1794. var placeHolderStyle = {
  1795. normal: {
  1796. label: {
  1797. show: false
  1798. },
  1799. labelLine: {
  1800. show: false
  1801. },
  1802. color: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
  1803. borderWidth: 0
  1804. },
  1805. emphasis: {
  1806. color: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
  1807. borderWidth: 0
  1808. }
  1809. };
  1810. var dataStyle = {
  1811. normal: {
  1812. formatter: function (res) {
  1813. return
  1814. },
  1815. position: 'center',
  1816. show: true,
  1817. textStyle: {
  1818. fontSize: '35',
  1819. fontWeight: 'bolder',
  1820. color: '#fff'
  1821. }
  1822. }
  1823. };
  1824. option = {
  1825. title: [{
  1826. text: '地面',
  1827. left: '19%',
  1828. top: '70%',
  1829. textAlign: 'center',
  1830. textStyle: {
  1831. fontWeight: 'normal',
  1832. fontSize: '30',
  1833. color: '#fff',
  1834. textAlign: 'center',
  1835. },
  1836. }, {
  1837. text: '辅助',
  1838. left: '49%',
  1839. top: '70%',
  1840. textAlign: 'center',
  1841. textStyle: {
  1842. color: '#fff',
  1843. fontWeight: 'normal',
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  1922. }]),
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  1925. label: dataStyle,
  1926. }, {
  1927. value: that.recruitTypeMax || 0,
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  1962. label: dataStyle,
  1963. }, {
  1964. value: that.recruitTypeMax || 0,
  1965. itemStyle: placeHolderStyle,
  1966. },
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  2000. }, {
  2001. value: 4,
  2002. itemStyle: placeHolderStyle,
  2003. },
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  2007. // name: '总人数',
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  2015. normal: {
  2016. show: false
  2017. }
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  2125. handleMark() {
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  2127. this.showSelect = false
  2128. this.showMonth = false
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  2130. handleOption(item) {
  2131. let that = this
  2132. this[this.from][this.type] = item
  2133. this.handleMark()
  2134. if (this.from == "timeList2") {
  2135. if (that.from == "timeList2" && that.leftFlag) {
  2136. this.getPositionAll()
  2137. } else {
  2138. that.getRecruitType()
  2139. }
  2140. }
  2141. if (this.from == "timeList1") {
  2142. this.getDelivcvAndApply()
  2143. }
  2144. },
  2145. handleMonthOption(item) {
  2146. this.monthItem = item
  2147. this.handleMark()
  2148. },
  2149. handleMonth() {
  2150. this.handleMark()
  2151. this.showMark = true
  2152. this.showMonth = true
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  2261. handleChangeType(type, index) {
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  2266. item.flag = false
  2267. })
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  2269. that.rightIndex = index
  2270. this.rightTime = setInterval(() => {
  2271. that.rightList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2272. item.flag = !item.flag
  2273. if (item.flag) {
  2274. that.rightIndex = index
  2275. }
  2276. })
  2277. }, 5000)
  2278. } else {
  2279. that.leftTime && clearInterval(that.leftTime)
  2280. that.leftList.forEach(item => {
  2281. item.flag = false
  2282. })
  2283. that.leftList[index].flag = true
  2284. that.leftIndex = index
  2285. if (index == 0) {
  2286. that.leftFlag = true
  2287. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  2288. that.getPositionAll()
  2289. } else {
  2290. that.leftFlag = false
  2291. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  2292. that.getRecruitType()
  2293. setTimeout(() => {
  2294. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  2295. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  2296. })
  2297. }
  2298. that.leftTime = setInterval(() => {
  2299. that.leftList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2300. item.flag = !item.flag
  2301. if (item.flag) {
  2302. if (index == 0) {
  2303. that.leftFlag = true
  2304. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  2305. that.getPositionAll()
  2306. } else {
  2307. that.leftFlag = false
  2308. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  2309. that.getRecruitType()
  2310. setTimeout(() => {
  2311. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  2312. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  2313. })
  2314. }
  2315. }
  2316. })
  2317. }, 15000)
  2318. }
  2319. },
  2320. getPlayers() {
  2321. let that = this;
  2322. let data = {
  2323. flag: that.dataFlag
  2324. };
  2325. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/Players", data).then(res => {
  2326. if (res) {
  2327. that.mainList[1].value = res.value
  2328. }
  2329. })
  2330. },
  2331. getPostDetail() {
  2332. let that = this;
  2333. let data = {
  2334. flag: that.dataFlag
  2335. };
  2336. that.isShowInfoList = false
  2337. that.recruitInfoIndex = 0
  2338. that.recruitInfoList = []
  2339. that.rollTitle = ""
  2340. that.listChange && clearInterval(that.listChange)
  2341. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/PostDetail", data).then(res => {
  2342. let list = []
  2343. let a = []
  2344. if (res) {
  2345. if ( != 0) {
  2346., index) => {
  2347. list.push([item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4]])
  2348. a[index] = []
  2349. let arr = item[5].split("&")
  2350. if (arr[0].length == 2) {
  2351. arr.shift()
  2352. }
  2353. arr.forEach(i => {
  2354. let infos = i.split("\r")
  2355. let obj = {
  2356. title: infos[0],
  2357. content: infos[1]
  2358. }
  2359. a[index].push(obj)
  2360. })
  2361. })
  2362. = list
  2363. that.recruitInfoList.push(...a)
  2364. that.isShowInfoList = true
  2365. that.itemClass = "item_content_99"
  2366. if ( <= that.config1.rowNum) {
  2367. that.listChange = setInterval(() => {
  2368. // that.configDataIndex
  2369. if (that.configDataIndex >= {
  2370. that.configDataIndex = 1
  2371. that.itemClass = "item_content_99"
  2372. that.funChangeList(0)
  2373. that.recruitInfoIndex = 0
  2374. return
  2375. }
  2376. that.itemClass = "item_content_" + (that.configDataIndex + 5)
  2377. that.funChangeList(that.configDataIndex)
  2378. that.recruitInfoIndex = that.configDataIndex
  2379. that.configDataIndex += 1
  2380. }, that.config1.waitTime)
  2381. } else {
  2382. setTimeout(() => {
  2383. // that.classChange = true
  2384. that.itemClass = "item_content_6"
  2385. setTimeout(() => {
  2386. let itemContent = document.getElementById("itemContent")
  2387. if (itemContent) {
  2388. let target = itemContent.getElementsByClassName("row-item")
  2389. let targetList = target.item(0)
  2390. = "#302e2d50"
  2391. = "#E1AF27"
  2392. }
  2393. }, 0)
  2394. }, 5000);
  2395. }
  2396. that.funChangeList(0)
  2397. } else {
  2398. = list
  2399. that.itemClass = "item_content_6"
  2400. that.listChange && clearInterval(that.listChange)
  2401. setTimeout(() => {
  2402. let itemContent = document.getElementById("itemContent")
  2403. if (itemContent) {
  2404. let target = itemContent.getElementsByClassName("row-item")
  2405. let targetList = target.item(0)
  2406. = "#302e2d50"
  2407. = "#E1AF27"
  2408. }
  2409. }, 0)
  2410. }
  2411. }
  2412. setTimeout(() => {
  2413. that.isShowInfoList = true
  2414. })
  2415. })
  2416. },
  2417. funChangeList(idnex) {
  2418. let listIndex = idnex
  2419. this.address =[listIndex][0] + "。"
  2420. this.rollTitle =[listIndex][0] +[listIndex][1] + "双选公告"
  2421. setTimeout(() => {
  2422. this.rollFlag = true
  2423. })
  2424. },
  2425. getHalfYearDelivcv() {
  2426. let that = this;
  2427. let data = {
  2428. flag: that.dataFlag
  2429. };
  2430. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/HalfYearDelivcv", data).then(res => {
  2431. if (res) {
  2432. let list = []
  2433. res.forEach(item => {
  2434. if (item.key == "月份") {
  2435. // that.vitaData.x = item.value
  2436. item.value.forEach(i => {
  2437. list.push(i + "月")
  2438. })
  2439. }
  2440. if (item.key == "数量") {
  2441. that.vitaData.y = item.value
  2442. }
  2443. })
  2444. that.vitaData.x = list
  2445. let vita = this.$refs.vita
  2446. that.initVitaEcharts(vita)
  2447. }
  2448. }).catch(err => {
  2449. let vita = this.$refs.vita
  2450. that.initVitaEcharts(vita)
  2451. })
  2452. },
  2453. getHotDelivcv() {
  2454. let that = this;
  2455. let data = {
  2456. flag: that.dataFlag
  2457. };
  2458. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/HotDelivcv", data).then(res => {
  2459. if (res) {
  2460. =
  2461. }
  2462. })
  2463. },
  2464. arrToListArr() {
  2465. this.isChangeList = false
  2466. let that = this;
  2467. let data = {
  2468. flag: that.dataFlag
  2469. }
  2470. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/Delivcv", data).then(res => {
  2471. let imageList = []
  2472. let nameList = []
  2473. let stationList = []
  2474. let timeList = []
  2475. let dataList = []
  2476. if (res) {
  2477. => {
  2478. if (item.key == "头像地址") {
  2479. imageList.push(...item.value)
  2480. }
  2481. if (item.key == "姓名") {
  2482. nameList.push(...item.value)
  2483. }
  2484. if (item.key == "投递岗位") {
  2485. stationList.push(...item.value)
  2486. }
  2487. if (item.key == "申请时间") {
  2488. timeList.push(...item.value)
  2489. }
  2490. })
  2491. nameList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2492. dataList.push(["<img class='list_img' src='" + imageList[index] + "' alt=''>", item, stationList[index], timeList[index]])
  2493. })
  2494. = dataList
  2495. this.isChangeList = true
  2496. delete imageList
  2497. delete nameList
  2498. delete stationList
  2499. delete timeList
  2500. }
  2501. })
  2502. },
  2503. getDelivcvAndApply() {
  2504. let that = this;
  2505. let data = {
  2506. flag: that.dataFlag,
  2507. data1: that.timeList1[0],
  2508. data2: that.timeList1[1]
  2509. };
  2510. let pageBtm = this.$refs.pageBtm
  2511. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/DelivcvAndApply", data).then(res => {
  2512. if (res) {
  2513. => {
  2514. if (item.key == "单位名称") {
  2515. admissionList.x = item.value
  2516. }
  2517. if (item.key == "招聘人数") {
  2518. admissionList.y1 = item.value
  2519. }
  2520. if (item.key == "报名人数") {
  2521. admissionList.y2 = item.value
  2522. }
  2523. if (item.key == "录用人数") {
  2524. admissionList.y3 = item.value
  2525. }
  2526. if (item.key == "开始时间") {
  2527. that.allTimeList[2] = that.getYearMonth(item.value)
  2528. }
  2529. })
  2530. this.initDownholeEcharts(pageBtm, { x: admissionList.x, y1: admissionList.y1, y2: admissionList.y2, y3: admissionList.y3 })
  2531. }
  2532. })
  2533. },
  2534. isRendering(data, type, key, flag) {
  2535. let that = this;
  2536. if (that[type] == 0) {
  2537. that[key].data = data
  2538. setTimeout(() => {
  2539. that[flag] = true
  2540. }, 10)
  2541. that[type] = 1
  2542. } else {
  2543. if (data[0][1] != that[key].data[0][1] || data[0][2] != that[key].data[0][2] || data[0][3] != that[key].data[0][3]) {
  2544. that[flag] = false
  2545. that[key].data = data
  2546. setTimeout(() => {
  2547. that[flag] = true
  2548. }, 10)
  2549. }
  2550. }
  2551. },
  2552. getRecruitType() {
  2553. let that = this;
  2554. let data = {
  2555. flag: that.dataFlag,
  2556. start: that.timeList2[0],
  2557. end: that.timeList2[1],
  2558. }
  2559. that.recruitTypeList = []
  2560. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/RecruitType", data).then(res => {
  2561. if (res) {
  2562. => {
  2563. if (item.key == "一线") {
  2564. that.recruitTypeList[2] = item.value
  2565. that.recruitTypeMax += item.value
  2566. } else if (item.key == "地面") {
  2567. that.recruitTypeList[0] = item.value
  2568. that.recruitTypeMax += item.value
  2569. } else if (item.key == "辅助") {
  2570. that.recruitTypeList[1] = item.value
  2571. that.recruitTypeMax += item.value
  2572. } else if (item.key == "开始时间") {
  2573. that.allTimeList[0] = that.getYearMonth(item.value)
  2574. }
  2575. })
  2576. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  2577. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  2578. that.leftTime && clearInterval(that.leftTime)
  2579. that.leftTime = setInterval(() => {
  2580. that.leftList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2581. item.flag = !item.flag
  2582. if (item.flag) {
  2583. if (index == 0) {
  2584. that.leftFlag = true
  2585. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  2586. that.getPositionAll()
  2587. } else {
  2588. that.leftFlag = false
  2589. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  2590. that.getRecruitType()
  2591. setTimeout(() => {
  2592. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  2593. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  2594. })
  2595. }
  2596. }
  2597. })
  2598. }, 15000)
  2599. }
  2600. })
  2601. },
  2602. getYearMonth(date) {
  2603. // 获取指定日期的年份和月份
  2604. let targetDate = new Date(date);
  2605. let targetYear = targetDate.getFullYear();
  2606. let targetMonth = targetDate.getMonth() + 1; // 月份从0开始计数,需要加1
  2607. // 获取当前日期的年份和月份
  2608. let currentDate = new Date();
  2609. let currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
  2610. let currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth() + 1; // 月份从0开始计数,需要加1
  2611. // 定义结果数组
  2612. let result = [];
  2613. // 循环遍历年份和月份,从目标日期到当前日期
  2614. for (let year = targetYear; year <= currentYear; year++) {
  2615. // 起始月份为目标年份的起始月份,结束月份为当前年份的结束月份
  2616. let startMonth = (year === targetYear) ? targetMonth : 1;
  2617. let endMonth = (year === currentYear) ? currentMonth : 12;
  2618. // 循环遍历月份,并将年份和月份添加到结果中
  2619. for (let month = startMonth; month <= endMonth; month++) {
  2620. let formattedMonth = month.toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 格式化为两位数的月份
  2621. result.push(`${year}-${formattedMonth}`);
  2622. }
  2623. }
  2624. // 输出全部的年月
  2625. return result.reverse()
  2626. },
  2627. getFailReason() {
  2628. let that = this;
  2629. let data = {
  2630. flag: that.dataFlag
  2631. };
  2632. let rightOne = that.$refs.rightOne
  2633. let rightTwo = that.$refs.rightTwo
  2634. let rightThree = that.$refs.rightThree
  2635. let rightFour = that.$refs.rightFour
  2636. let rightFive = that.$refs.rightFive
  2637. // leftErrorList:["信息不完整","信息有误","任职条件不符","出勤不足","工作年限不符"]
  2638. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/FailReason", data).then(res => {
  2639. if (res) {
  2640. if ( != 0) {
  2641. let dataList = []
  2642. let total = 0
  2643., index) => {
  2644. item.forEach(i => {
  2645. let obj = {}
  2646. if (i.key == "不通过原因") {
  2647. that.leftErrorList[index] = i.value
  2648. }
  2649. if (i.key == "不通过数量") {
  2650. obj.value = i.value
  2651. dataList[index] = obj
  2652. }
  2653. })
  2654. })
  2655. dataList.forEach(item => {
  2656. total = total + item.value
  2657. })
  2658. that.rightData.push(...dataList)
  2659. that.initLineRight(rightOne, { value: dataList[0].value, total }, "lineRight1")
  2660. that.initLineRight(rightTwo, { value: dataList[1].value, total }, "lineRight2")
  2661. that.initLineRight(rightThree, { value: dataList[2].value, total }, "lineRight3")
  2662. that.initLineRight(rightFour, { value: dataList[3].value, total }, "lineRight4")
  2663. that.initLineRight(rightFive, { value: dataList[4].value, total }, "lineRight5")
  2664. } else {
  2665. that.initLineRight(rightOne, { value: 25, total: 67 }, "lineRight1")
  2666. that.initLineRight(rightTwo, { value: 22, total: 67 }, "lineRight2")
  2667. that.initLineRight(rightThree, { value: 10, total: 67 }, "lineRight3")
  2668. that.initLineRight(rightFour, { value: 8, total: 67 }, "lineRight4")
  2669. that.initLineRight(rightFive, { value: 2, total: 67 }, "lineRight5")
  2670. }
  2671. }
  2672. }).catch(err => {
  2673. that.initLineRight(rightOne, { value: 25, total: 67 }, "lineRight1")
  2674. that.initLineRight(rightTwo, { value: 22, total: 67 }, "lineRight2")
  2675. that.initLineRight(rightThree, { value: 10, total: 67 }, "lineRight3")
  2676. that.initLineRight(rightFour, { value: 8, total: 67 }, "lineRight4")
  2677. that.initLineRight(rightFive, { value: 2, total: 67 }, "lineRight5")
  2678. })
  2679. },
  2680. getQualAudits() {
  2681. let that = this;
  2682. let data = {
  2683. flag: that.dataFlag
  2684. };
  2685. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/QualAudits", data).then(res => {
  2686. if (res) {
  2687. => {
  2688. if (item.key == "当前总人数") {
  2689. that.rightList[0].num1 = item.value
  2690. }
  2691. if (item.key == "通过总人数") {
  2692. that.rightList[0].num2 = item.value
  2693. }
  2694. if (item.key == "当前通过率") {
  2695. that.rightList[0].num3 = item.value
  2696. }
  2697. })
  2698. }
  2699. })
  2700. },
  2701. getNo(arr) {
  2702. if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
  2703. arr.forEach((item, index) => {
  2704. if (index <= 8) {
  2705. item.unshift("0" + (index + 1))
  2706. } else {
  2707. item.unshift((index + 1).toString())
  2708. }
  2709. })
  2710. }
  2711. return arr
  2712. },
  2713. getNoticePerson(type = 3) {
  2714. let that = this;
  2715. if (type == 1) {
  2716. that.showExamination = false
  2717. } else if (type == 2) {
  2718. that.showInterview = false
  2719. } else {
  2720. this.showExamination = false
  2721. this.showInterview = false
  2722. }
  2723. let year = new Date().getFullYear()
  2724. let data = {
  2725. flag: that.dataFlag,
  2726. year,
  2727. month: 0
  2728. }
  2729. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/assessmentarrangement", data).then(res => {
  2730. if (res) {
  2731. for (let key in res) {
  2732. if (Array.isArray(res[key])) {
  2733. res[key].forEach(item => {
  2734. // item.splice(item.length - 2, 1);
  2735. if (item[item.length - 1]) {
  2736. item[item.length - 1] = item[item.length - 1].replaceAll("年", "-")
  2737. item[item.length - 1] = item[item.length - 1].replaceAll("月", "-")
  2738. item[item.length - 1] = item[item.length - 1].replaceAll("日", " ")
  2739. item[item.length - 1] = item[item.length - 1].replaceAll("/", "-")
  2740. item[item.length - 1] = item[item.length - 1].replaceAll("|", "-")
  2741. }
  2742. })
  2743. }
  2744. }
  2745. if (type == 1) {
  2746. = that.getNo(res.bishiList)
  2747. setTimeout(() => {
  2748. that.showExamination = true
  2749. }, 10)
  2750. } else if (type == 2) {
  2751. = that.getNo(res.mianshiList)
  2752. setTimeout(() => {
  2753. that.showInterview = true
  2754. }, 10)
  2755. } else {
  2756. = that.getNo(res.bishiList)
  2757. = that.getNo(res.mianshiList)
  2758. setTimeout(() => {
  2759. that.showInterview = true
  2760. that.showExamination = true
  2761. }, 10)
  2762. if ( <= that.configWritten.rowNum) {
  2763. that.bishiTime && clearInterval(that.bishiTime)
  2764. that.bishiTime = setInterval(() => {
  2765. console.log("笔试面试数据更新");
  2766. that.getNoticePerson(1)
  2767. }, (10000 * 6 * 5))
  2768. }
  2769. if ( <= that.configInterview.rowNum) {
  2770. that.mianshiTime && clearInterval(that.mianshiTime)
  2771. that.mianshiTime = setInterval(() => {
  2772. console.log("笔试面试数据更新");
  2773. that.getNoticePerson(2)
  2774. }, (10000 * 6 * 5))
  2775. }
  2776. }
  2777. }
  2778. })
  2779. },
  2780. scrollChangeList(index) {
  2781. let that = this;
  2782. that.noticTime && clearInterval(that.noticTime)
  2783. setTimeout(() => {
  2784. if (index + 5 == {
  2785. that.isListEnd = that.isListEnd + 1
  2786. if (that.isListEnd == 2) {
  2787. that.isListEnd = 0
  2788. that.isShowList = false
  2789. = []
  2790. = []
  2791. that.noticeIndex = that.noticeIndex + 1
  2792. if (that.noticeIndex > that.noticeList.length - 1) {
  2793. that.noticeIndex = 0
  2794. }
  2795. // that.getNoticePerson("李四是五")
  2796. setTimeout(() => {
  2797. that.isShowList = true
  2798. }, 10)
  2799. }
  2800. }
  2801. }, 1700)
  2802. if (index == 0) {
  2803. console.log("index == 0");
  2804. }
  2805. if (index == - 1) {
  2806. }
  2807. },
  2808. changeCardNo(str) {
  2809. let arr = []
  2810. let list = []
  2811. if (str.length != 0) {
  2812. arr = str.split("")
  2813. for (let i = 0; i <= arr.length - 1; i++) {
  2814. if (i < 5) {
  2815. list.push(arr[i])
  2816. } else if (i > 5 && i < 14) {
  2817. list.push("*")
  2818. } else {
  2819. list.push(arr[i])
  2820. }
  2821. }
  2822. }
  2823. return list.join("")
  2824. },
  2825. changeNoticList(arr) {
  2826. let list = []
  2827. let that = this;
  2828. if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
  2829. arr.forEach((item, index) => {
  2830. let a = []
  2831. if (index <= 8) {
  2832. a = ["0" + (index + 1),,, that.changeCardNo(item.cardno), item.org1]
  2833. } else {
  2834. a = [(index + 1).toString(),,, that.changeCardNo(item.cardno), item.org1]
  2835. }
  2836. list.push(a)
  2837. })
  2838. }
  2839. return list
  2840. },
  2841. getNotice() {
  2842. let that = this;
  2843. let data = {
  2844. flag: that.dataFlag
  2845. };
  2846. this.isShowList = false
  2847. = []
  2848. = []
  2849. = []
  2850. that.noticIndex = 0
  2851. that.noticList = []
  2852. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/getNotice", data).then(res => {
  2853. if (res && res.length != 0) {
  2854. res.forEach((item, index) => {
  2855. let obj = {
  2856. noticeDataList: item.noticeDataList,
  2857. noticeUserList: that.changeNoticList(item.noticeUserList)
  2858. }
  2859. that.noticList.push(obj)
  2860. })
  2861. // if (that.noticList[that.noticIndex]) {
  2862. that.noticList[that.noticIndex].noticeUserList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2863. if (index % 2 == 0) {
  2865. } else {
  2867. }
  2868. })
  2870. // }
  2871. if (res.length != 1) {
  2872. that.noticIndex += 1
  2873. if ( <= that.employmentList2.rowNum) {
  2874. that.noticTime = setInterval(() => {
  2875. = []
  2876. = []
  2877. = []
  2878. that.isShowList = false
  2879. // if(that.noticList[that.noticIndex]){
  2880. that.noticList[that.noticIndex].noticeUserList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2881. if (index % 2 == 0) {
  2883. } else {
  2885. }
  2886. })
  2888. // }
  2889. that.noticIndex += 1
  2890. if (that.noticIndex > that.noticList.length - 1) {
  2891. that.noticIndex = 0
  2892. }
  2893. setTimeout(() => {
  2894. that.isShowList = true
  2895. }, 10)
  2896. }, * 2000)
  2897. }
  2898. }
  2899. setTimeout(() => {
  2900. that.isShowList = true
  2901. })
  2902. }
  2903. })
  2904. // that.noticeList =
  2905. },
  2906. getDoubleChoice() {
  2907. let that = this;
  2908. let data = {
  2909. flag: that.dataFlag
  2910. }
  2911. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/DoubleChoice", data).then(res => {
  2912. if (res) {
  2913. that.mainList[0].value = res.value
  2914. }
  2915. })
  2916. },
  2917. getPositionAll() {
  2918. let that = this;
  2919. let data = {
  2920. flag: that.dataFlag,
  2921. start: that.timeList2[0],
  2922. end: that.timeList2[1],
  2923. }
  2924. // this.leftTime && clearInterval(this.leftTime)
  2925. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/PositionAll", data).then(res => {
  2926. that.leftFlag = false
  2927. = []
  2928. let lastList = []
  2929. let topList = []
  2930. let mainList = []
  2931. if (res) {
  2932. if ( {
  2933. that.allTimeList[1] = that.getYearMonth(
  2934. }
  2935., index) => {
  2936. if (index <= 8) {
  2937. item.unshift("0" + (index + 1))
  2938. } else {
  2939. item.unshift((index + 1).toString())
  2940. }
  2941. })
  2942. if ( > 5) {
  2943. for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  2944. let color;
  2945. if (i == 0) {
  2946. color = "yellow"
  2947. } else if (i == 1) {
  2948. color = "red"
  2949. } else {
  2950. color = "green"
  2951. }
  2952. topList.push(["<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][0] + "</span>", "<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][1] + "</span>", "<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][2] + "</span>"])
  2953. }
  2954., 3)
  2955. mainList.push(...spArr(, 2))
  2956. mainList.forEach(item => {
  2957. item.unshift(...topList)
  2958. if (item.length < 5) {
  2959. item.push(["", "", ""])
  2960. }
  2961. lastList.push(...item)
  2962. })
  2963. } else if ( <= 5 && >= 3) {
  2964. for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  2965. let color;
  2966. if (i == 0) {
  2967. color = "yellow"
  2968. } else if (i == 1) {
  2969. color = "red"
  2970. } else {
  2971. color = "green"
  2972. }
  2973. topList.push(["<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][0] + "</span>", "<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][1] + "</span>", "<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][2] + "</span>"])
  2974. }
  2975., 3)
  2976. lastList.push(...topList,
  2977. } else if ( < 3) {
  2978. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  2979. let color;
  2980. if (i == 0) {
  2981. color = "yellow"
  2982. } else if (i == 1) {
  2983. color = "red"
  2984. } else {
  2985. color = "green"
  2986. }
  2987. lastList.push(["<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][0] + "</span>", "<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][1] + "</span>", "<span class='" + color + "'>" +[i][2] + "</span>"])
  2988. }
  2989. }
  2990. = lastList
  2991. that.leftTime && clearInterval(that.leftTime)
  2992. that.leftTime = setTimeout(() => {
  2993. that.leftFlag = true
  2994. that.leftTime = setInterval(() => {
  2995. that.leftList.forEach((item, index) => {
  2996. item.flag = !item.flag
  2997. if (item.flag) {
  2998. if (index == 0) {
  2999. that.leftFlag = true
  3000. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[1][1], that.allTimeList[1][0]]
  3001. that.getPositionAll()
  3002. } else {
  3003. that.leftFlag = false
  3004. that.timeList2 = [that.allTimeList[0][1], that.allTimeList[0][0]]
  3005. that.getRecruitType()
  3006. setTimeout(() => {
  3007. let leftChange = that.$refs.leftChange
  3008. that.initThreeBig(leftChange)
  3009. })
  3010. }
  3011. }
  3012. })
  3013. }, 15000)
  3014. }, 10)
  3015. }
  3016. })
  3017. },
  3018. getTotalRate() {
  3019. let that = this;
  3020. let data = {
  3021. flag: that.dataFlag
  3022. };
  3023. fetchPostMethods("/ierp/kapi/v2/mdnb/mdnb_control/TotalRate", data).then(res => {
  3024. if (res) {
  3025. // that.rightList
  3026. => {
  3027. if (item.key == "累计人数") {
  3028. that.rightList[1].num1 = item.value
  3029. }
  3030. if (item.key == "累计通过人数") {
  3031. that.rightList[1].num2 = item.value
  3032. }
  3033. if (item.key == "通过率") {
  3034. that.rightList[1].num3 = item.value
  3035. }
  3036. })
  3037. }
  3038. })
  3039. },
  3040. scrollChangeListW(index) {
  3041. let that = this;
  3042. if (index + 10 == {
  3043. console.log("笔试更新");
  3044. setTimeout(() => {
  3045. that.getNoticePerson(1)
  3046. }, 1700)
  3047. }
  3048. },
  3049. scrollChangeListIn(index) {
  3050. let that = this;
  3051. if (index + 10 == {
  3052. console.log("面试更新");
  3053. setTimeout(() => {
  3054. that.getNoticePerson(2)
  3055. }, 1700)
  3056. }
  3057. },
  3058. },
  3059. })