@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+package instance
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "git.sxidc.com/service-supports/dps-sdk/client"
+ uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
+ "math/rand"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+func getUUID() string {
+ return uuid.NewV4().String()
+func simpleUUID() string {
+ return strings.ReplaceAll(getUUID(), "-", "")
+var tableModelDescribe = map[string]string{
+ "ID": "gorm:\"primary_key;type:varchar(32);comment:id;\"",
+ "Name": "gorm:\"not null;type:varchar(128);comment:数据库名称;\"",
+ "Time": "gorm:\"not null;type:timestamp with time zone;comment:数据库时间;\"",
+ "TableNum": "gorm:\"not null;type:integer;comment:数据库表数量;\"",
+func TestAutoMigrate(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8],
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ })
+func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id := simpleUUID()
+ name := simpleUUID()
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ newName := simpleUUID()
+ newNow := time.Now().Local()
+ newTableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ var count int64
+ resultMap := make(map[string]any)
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ transaction(func(tx client.Transaction) error {
+ statement, err := tx.InsertTx(&client.InsertRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fmt.Println(statement)
+ return nil
+ }).
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致").
+ transaction(func(tx client.Transaction) error {
+ statement, err := tx.UpdateTx(&client.UpdateRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ NewTableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": newName,
+ "time": newNow,
+ "table_num": newTableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fmt.Println(statement)
+ return nil
+ }).
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(newName, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(newNow.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(newTableNum, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致").
+ transaction(func(tx client.Transaction) error {
+ statement, err := tx.UpdateTx(&client.UpdateRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ NewTableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fmt.Println(statement)
+ statement, err = tx.DeleteTx(&client.DeleteRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ UserID: "test",
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fmt.Println(statement)
+ return nil
+ }).
+ countWhere(&client.CountWhereRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ Where: map[string][]any{
+ "id = ?": {id},
+ },
+ }, &count).
+ assertEqual(int64(0), count, "数量不一致")
+func TestTransactionBatch(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id1 := simpleUUID()
+ name1 := simpleUUID()
+ now1 := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum1 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now1.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ id2 := simpleUUID()
+ name2 := simpleUUID()
+ now2 := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum2 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now2.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ var count int64
+ resultMap := make(map[string]any)
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ transaction(func(tx client.Transaction) error {
+ statement, err := tx.InsertBatchTx(&client.InsertBatchRequest{
+ Items: []client.InsertTableRowItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRows: []map[string]any{
+ {
+ "id": id1,
+ "name": name1,
+ "time": now1,
+ "table_num": tableNum1,
+ },
+ {
+ "id": id2,
+ "name": name2,
+ "time": now2,
+ "table_num": tableNum2,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fmt.Println(statement)
+ return nil
+ }).
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id1},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id1, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name1, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now1.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum1, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致").
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id2},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id2, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name2, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now2.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum2, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致").
+ transaction(func(tx client.Transaction) error {
+ statement, err := tx.DeleteBatchTx(&client.DeleteBatchRequest{
+ Items: []client.DeleteTableRowItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: []map[string]string{
+ {"id": id1},
+ {"id": id2},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fmt.Println(statement)
+ return nil
+ }).
+ countWhere(&client.CountWhereRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ Where: map[string][]any{
+ "id = ?": {id1},
+ },
+ }, &count).
+ assertEqual(int64(0), count, "数量不一致").
+ countWhere(&client.CountWhereRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ Where: map[string][]any{
+ "id = ?": {id2},
+ },
+ }, &count).
+ assertEqual(int64(0), count, "数量不一致")
+func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id := simpleUUID()
+ name := simpleUUID()
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ resultMap := make(map[string]any)
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insert(&client.InsertRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).Local().UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致")
+func TestInsertBatch(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id1 := simpleUUID()
+ name1 := simpleUUID()
+ now1 := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum1 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now1.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ id2 := simpleUUID()
+ name2 := simpleUUID()
+ now2 := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum2 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now2.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ resultsMap := make([]map[string]any, 0)
+ var totalCount int64
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insertBatch(&client.InsertBatchRequest{
+ Items: []client.InsertTableRowItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRows: []map[string]any{
+ {
+ "id": id1,
+ "name": name1,
+ "time": now1,
+ "table_num": tableNum1,
+ },
+ {
+ "id": id2,
+ "name": name2,
+ "time": now2,
+ "table_num": tableNum2,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }).
+ queryByWhereAndOrderBy(&client.QueryByWhereAndOrderByRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ Where: map[string][]any{
+ "id = ? AND name = ? AND table_num = ?": {id1, name1, tableNum1},
+ },
+ PageNo: 1,
+ PageSize: 1,
+ }, &resultsMap, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(id1, resultsMap[0]["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name1, resultsMap[0]["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now1.UnixMilli(), resultsMap[0]["time"].(time.Time).Local().UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum1, resultsMap[0]["table_num"], "表数量不一致").
+ commonQuery(&client.CommonQueryRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ Where: map[string][]any{
+ "id = ? AND name = ? AND table_num = ?": {id2, name2, tableNum2},
+ },
+ PageNo: 1,
+ PageSize: 1,
+ }, &resultsMap, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(id2, resultsMap[0]["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name2, resultsMap[0]["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now2.UnixMilli(), resultsMap[0]["time"].(time.Time).Local().UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum2, resultsMap[0]["table_num"], "表数量不一致")
+func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id := simpleUUID()
+ name := simpleUUID()
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ newName := simpleUUID()
+ newNow := time.Now().Local()
+ newTableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ resultMap := make(map[string]any)
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insert(&client.InsertRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ update(&client.UpdateRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ NewTableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": newName,
+ "time": newNow,
+ "table_num": newTableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(newName, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(newNow.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).Local().UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(newTableNum, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致")
+func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id := simpleUUID()
+ name := simpleUUID()
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ var count int64
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insert(&client.InsertRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ delete(&client.DeleteRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ countWhere(&client.CountWhereRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ Where: map[string][]any{
+ "id = ?": {id},
+ },
+ }, &count).
+ assertEqual(int64(0), count, "数量不一致")
+func TestDeleteBatch(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id1 := simpleUUID()
+ name1 := simpleUUID()
+ now1 := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum1 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now1.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ id2 := simpleUUID()
+ name2 := simpleUUID()
+ now2 := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum2 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now2.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ var count int64
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insertBatch(&client.InsertBatchRequest{
+ Items: []client.InsertTableRowItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRows: []map[string]any{
+ {
+ "id": id1,
+ "name": name1,
+ "time": now1,
+ "table_num": tableNum1,
+ },
+ {
+ "id": id2,
+ "name": name2,
+ "time": now2,
+ "table_num": tableNum2,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }).
+ deleteBatch(&client.DeleteBatchRequest{
+ Items: []client.DeleteTableRowItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: []map[string]string{
+ {"id": id1},
+ {"id": id2},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ commonCount(&client.CommonCountRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ }, &count).
+ assertEqual(int64(0), count, "数量不一致")
+func TestReply(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id := simpleUUID()
+ name := simpleUUID()
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ resultMap := make(map[string]any)
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insert(&client.InsertRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ reply(&client.ReplayRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ queryByKeys(&client.QueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ }, &resultMap).
+ assertEqual(id, resultMap["id"], "ID不一致").
+ assertEqual(name, resultMap["name"], "名称不一致").
+ assertEqual(now.UnixMilli(), resultMap["time"].(time.Time).Local().UnixMilli(), "时间不一致").
+ assertEqual(tableNum, resultMap["table_num"], "表数量不一致")
+func TestEventQuery(t *testing.T) {
+ initClient(t, "localhost:30170", "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ defer destroyClient(t, "2b78141779ee432295ca371b91c5cac7")
+ tablePrefix := "test." + simpleUUID()[0:8]
+ id := simpleUUID()
+ name := simpleUUID()
+ now := time.Now().Local()
+ tableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ newName := simpleUUID()
+ newNow := time.Now().Local()
+ newTableNum := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now.Unix())).Intn(10)
+ var totalCount int64
+ eventInfos := make([]client.EventInfo, 0)
+ newToolKit(t).
+ autoMigrate([]client.AutoMigrateItem{
+ {
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ TableModelDescribe: tableModelDescribe,
+ },
+ }).
+ insert(&client.InsertRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyColumns: []string{"id"},
+ TableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": name,
+ "time": now,
+ "table_num": tableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ update(&client.UpdateRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ NewTableRow: map[string]any{
+ "id": id,
+ "name": newName,
+ "time": newNow,
+ "table_num": newTableNum,
+ },
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ countEventByKeys(&client.CountEventByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(2, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ commonCountEvent(&client.CommonCountEventRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "create",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ commonCountEvent(&client.CommonCountEventRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "update",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ eventQueryByKeys(&client.EventQueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(2, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(2, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("create", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[1].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[1].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("update", eventInfos[1].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[1].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[1].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[1].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ eventQueryByKeys(&client.EventQueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ PageNo: 1,
+ PageSize: 1,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(2, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("create", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ commonEventQuery(&client.CommonEventQueryRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "create",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("create", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ commonEventQuery(&client.CommonEventQueryRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "update",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("update", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ delete(&client.DeleteRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ Version: "v1",
+ KeyValues: map[string]string{"id": id},
+ UserID: "test",
+ }).
+ countEventHistoryByKeys(&client.CountEventByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(3, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ commonCountEventHistory(&client.CommonCountEventRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "create",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ commonCountEventHistory(&client.CommonCountEventRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "update",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ commonCountEventHistory(&client.CommonCountEventRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "delete",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ }, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ eventHistoryQueryByKeys(&client.EventQueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(3, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(3, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("create", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[1].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[1].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("update", eventInfos[1].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[1].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[1].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[1].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[2].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[2].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("delete", eventInfos[2].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[2].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[2].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertEqual("", eventInfos[2].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ eventHistoryQueryByKeys(&client.EventQueryByKeysRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ PageNo: 1,
+ PageSize: 1,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(3, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("create", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ commonEventHistoryQuery(&client.CommonEventQueryRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "create",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("create", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ commonEventHistoryQuery(&client.CommonEventQueryRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "update",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("update", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致").
+ commonEventHistoryQuery(&client.CommonEventQueryRequest{
+ TablePrefixWithSchema: tablePrefix,
+ KeyValues: []string{id},
+ Version: "v1",
+ Operation: "delete",
+ CreatorID: "test",
+ StartCreatedTime: now.Format(time.DateTime),
+ EndCreatedTime: now.Add(time.Second).Format(time.DateTime),
+ PageNo: 0,
+ PageSize: 0,
+ }, &eventInfos, &totalCount).
+ assertEqual(1, int(totalCount), "总数不一致").
+ assertEqual(1, len(eventInfos), "事件数量不一致").
+ assertEqual(id, eventInfos[0].Key, "关键字段不一致").
+ assertEqual("v1", eventInfos[0].Version, "版本不一致").
+ assertEqual("delete", eventInfos[0].Operation, "操作不一致").
+ assertEqual("test", eventInfos[0].CreatorID, "创建者ID不一致").
+ assertNotEmpty(eventInfos[0].CreateTime, "创建事件为空").
+ assertEqual("", eventInfos[0].Value, "值为空不一致")